Author Topic: How does your Country getting pwnd affect your mood and legnth of play?  (Read 872 times)

Offline SmokinLoon

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Re: How does your Country getting pwnd affect your mood and legnth of play?
« Reply #30 on: November 05, 2011, 07:38:57 AM »
I ultimately do not care if my country (Rook) is getting rolled or not.  I will do what I can where I can to help my squad and country, but I always look at it 3 ways:

First: if we are getting pushed back due to the double teaming and we're 3-4-5 bases behind the front, I look at the new terrain to have gv battles on or to have dog-fights over.  Honestly, who likes to do have gv battles in the exact same terrain time and time again? I certainly don't.  Most maps fluctuate in tree and hedge density over the entire map and losing (or gaining) X number of bases is the key to having the new terrain to battle over.

Second: In a 3 country system, the pendulum is going to swing to and fro, it always does.  That is the nature of the beast and it is something that no matter how hard people try and complain about they forget that they just need to play the game and let things go because it is out of their control. This isn't the Ost Front where things are X vs Y and clear cut black and white. Know what you can change and what you can not, and things are much easier in AH (and in life, too).     

Third: This is a game for enjoyment, I cant seem to get too wrapped up in something that I simply can't put on my resume' and for the life of me wonder how some of the players in AH function in day to day like if they carry themselves in the real world as they do in AH.  I play the game, have some fun, take full advantage of the multitude of things that are available to do, and just do it.  I try and remind many of my squad mates and countrymen of the same thing.     

Carry on.   


BudGray, CO
Eagle Squadron
Duxford Wing RAF
Proud grandson of the late Lt. Col. Darrell M. "Bud" Gray, USAF (ret.), B24D pilot, 5th BG/72nd BS. 28 combat missions within the "slot", PTO.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: How does your Country getting pwnd affect your mood and legnth of play?
« Reply #31 on: November 05, 2011, 07:54:27 AM »
Well Chilli, your looking at it the wrong way.

Unless it's your squad that is the entire population for your country, what happens for your country is un-important. You can not control the whole team as we have no "supreme commander" to lead the country. What you can do is get your team together and try to control your small area of the map.

In the old days squads would do that, pick a section of the map and spend the night fighting for a base or two. A squad or two would defend and the fight would be on. Along the fronts you could find 3, 4, sometimes more of these fights. Some captured base, some lost bases. Either way the fights were grest and everyone had fun.

Today far too many find that they need to hide in the horde either for protection, or because the "capture" is more important than the "fight" for the capture. So you end up with most of the resources in one area rolling base after base, but nobody defending so they lose almost as many as they grab.

Offline Max

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Re: How does your Country getting pwnd affect your mood and legnth of play?
« Reply #32 on: November 05, 2011, 08:08:39 AM »
Rooks are the Patriots, Bish are the Packers, Nits are the Dolphins


Does that make Hitech Jerry Jones?  :devil

Sorry Dale
« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 08:10:36 AM by Max »

Offline icepac

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Re: How does your Country getting pwnd affect your mood and legnth of play?
« Reply #33 on: November 05, 2011, 10:21:33 AM »
I see the same mistakes made over and over with no attempt to learn from said mistakes.

The CV is always routed straight to shore battery and PT spawn.

It takes about 2 minutes to fire up the terrain in offline mode and figure out the sweep of the enemy shore battery of the field that is going to be attacked yet I see the same guys making the exact same pathetic course which ends with the shore battery killing the cv for the 4th time that day.

I don't care how country does but it bothers me when country channel is spammed with "help" requests from guys who attempted a poorly planned attack or whine on channel for 26 more guys to help take a base back they couldn't be bothered to defend just a minute earlier.

I find myself detuning all radio I can and just doing my own thing more often.