Meine Herren,
Schnellkampfgeschwader 10,
I/SKG 10 is looking for experienced dive bomber pilots to participate in offensive operations during this new luftwaffe offensive "Enemy Coast Ahead". You will no longer need to fly the out dated JU-87 Stukas. We have provisioned for you a much faster mount for these operations; the all new Fw190F-8;

Focke-Wulf190F-8 Specifications
Fighter Bomber
Power Plant
BMW 801 D2, 1800 hp (Wep 2,100hp) 14 cylinder Air cooled radial
Unladen weight
7,055 lbs (3,200 kg)
Laden weight
10,800 lbs (4,900 kg)
Max Speed (Sea Level)
Max Speed
408 mph (653 k/ph)
Cruising Speed
Climbing Rate
2,350 ft/min (720m/min)
Max range
560miles (900kms)
Service Ceiling
37,400 feet (11,410 m)
2x20mm MG 151/20 or 30mm MK 108 (140 rounds per gun) in outer wings
2x20mm MG 151/20 (250 rounds per gun) in wing roots
2x13.1mm MG 131 Machine Guns (475 rounds per gun) cowling
34ft 5½in (10.49m)
33 ft 5.5 in (10.2 m)
11ft (3.35m)
Wing Area
196.99 sq ft (18.3 sq m)
As you can see the specifications are excellent. We hope that you will join I/SKG 10 for the great upcoming battles against the Englander.
Register Now! >>>>>>
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