Author Topic: Poor B-29s discoed  (Read 313 times)

Offline caldera

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Poor B-29s discoed
« on: October 22, 2011, 10:20:09 PM »
Really a terrible shame to lose those 3 expensive perk planes like that.  And just when I was about to make his flight a little more interesting than just bombing the HQ.  Sad thing, really.  Maybe you lose less perks when you disco, so he might've had that going for him.   :noid

I posted the short film below (28 seconds), so we can all share in the sadness.  :cry
"Then out spake brave Horatius, the Captain of the gate:
 To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late.
 And how can man die better, than facing fearful odds.
 For the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods."