So is this the actual CBM used in the terrain, or a screen shot of the cbm in the game?

Neither Sir.
The underlying cbm is grabbed out of ME with a 1920 x 1200 monitor rotated portrait in four shots/grabs as close as possible to the 2048 param pure (4 x 512 squared)
The UL, UR, LL & LR images are then 'married' and slightly adjusted in terms of scale to produce a pure cbm that is absent of all features other than the underlying map itself...the ME lets you get the best doesn't have any noise.
A second image is then created in game/program of the same terrain/map by taking screen shots of the official cbm with the base icons (spawns, alt and dar off)...these grabs are then sliced into a series of tiles and a second 2048 map is created showing icon locations...slice, cut, paste and stitch
Both of these images are interlaced in a computer program I have written that allows the placement of assets. Both images are calibrated together so they lay exactly in sync. I ramp the alpha level down of the in game clip map image that has the icons, so I can see the pristine ME grab.
The process then entails the use of the program I have written to manually place the assets on the map...using the in game clip map as a guide. Once all that is done, the in game clip map is 'discarded' and I am left with core back cbm out of the ME with my asset structure laying over the pristine grabs...
This process is a complete waste of time for one reason: My program can read and consume the oba file for a terrain...and place assets automatically based on the AH coordinate system. Unfortunately, other than the oba I got from Dale for North Sea...I have had to concoct this 'alternative' method of making the core map for all other events for other terrains.
He was cool the first time I asked for an oba...I will never ask him again because unless the CM guys are on the same page...its dirty pool to do an end around.
I need the oba files Midi...they include the spawns, towns, the ancillary features (such as the static CA and CV in North Sea), the gun battery and rotations etc...and all of that can be plotted and used for planning and event design.
In the mean time...and without oba...that is how I run it...its a work around...that works...but the functionality is crippled without the oba...
OnewayHere is what is possible in terms of event design and management when it comes to maps...this is what an oba file allows this program to do:
Note the grid system overlay in white...this is part of the synchronizing functionality...this program/system actually maintains a Grid/Keypad/Sub-Keypad coordinate system in addition to AH's foot system, the real World Lat Lon, and of course the requisite screen pixel client..there is also a feature to import 3DEM imagery for purposes of altitude analysis and interlace that...but that tends to be of limited use because Terrain guys frequently asymmetrically rescale the real world for various reasons...and will pull up peaks for dramatic visual effect.