BTW... this thread was about poor sportsmanship and borderline harassment more than Hording... but thanks for your input. 
You take your observations of the OP's and the subsequent views on hoardes and I take mine. And welcome to my eternal ignore list.
My post was to help others to not only neuter the hoarde as it birthed itself but to also cut the horde off at the knees once those players who ignored the symptoms were already infected with the results.....horrible sportmanship (which the game owners/makers/administration could care less about) as well as blatant harassment once they have already ignored the symptoms and are full fledged neck deep in the problem they could have easily avoided and yet easily solved had they even bothered to in the first place.
In other words...the OP would have never had had a problem inside the horde with those two complaints in the first place if that player's side had even an inkling to destroy to begin with.
Have a nice day.
Enjoy getting hoarded.