Author Topic: Something more realistic, less arcade.  (Read 5370 times)

Offline Krusty

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Re: Something more realistic, less arcade.
« Reply #60 on: November 22, 2011, 10:11:17 PM »
So much wrong stuff...

I....  I can't even begin.....

Offline THRASH99

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Re: Something more realistic, less arcade.
« Reply #61 on: November 22, 2011, 10:42:05 PM »
Some of the way these planes are modeled don't make sense. For example, the spitmk1 rolls nothing like the spitmk16(which btw did not turn very well, less wing surface means your turn rate suffers. the spit14 and the spit16 are backwards in this regard). That doesn't make any sense. The torque of the engine will have an affect on the roll, but unless there were drastic changes to the control surfaces or boosted controls, the fact the spitmk1 rolls like a typhoon is absurd.

Explosive splash damage. If you are D10 off an e a/c and place a solid burst into him and he explodes, there should be a chance you receive explosive splash damage. This would entice a new damage system, for example, engine strikes should have a gradually negative affect on your planes performance, as opposed to getting an oil hit and being able to fly at 110% until you're out of oil. It just doesn't work like that. Particularly with some of the tougher planes that have the R 2800.

Most importantly, I feel this is the most important for the quality of the game. I keep seeing more and more people everyday pushing negative G's in airplanes that just couldn't do that, not without risking serious injury or death to the pilot. A little push down to avoid guns, to get yourself level, that's one thing, but extended, prolonged negative G, rolling and rudder, sometimes with gravity would KILL a pilot. Please add this! Spitfires should be very bad at it, you should risk killing your pilot after a short period. I see people doing this stuff as opposed to performing an ACM in a superior aircraft. Not to mention you can be entirely too violent with the control surfaces in some of these planes. I see sudden 6-G pulls that would be smashing a pilot's head against his own canopy, without even a risk of an intense black out, not to mention a deadly red out. Do you know -why- it was called a red out? Hahahaha.

Finally, someone who sees it my way, and yet people were blaming me for so-called "whining and complaining" when yet I've tried to tell them and they don't listen. Such as HTC for overmodeling the M4 76's hull armor which they barely just fixed. <S> 4brkfast  :salute

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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Something more realistic, less arcade.
« Reply #62 on: November 22, 2011, 11:05:17 PM »
Finally, someone who sees it my way, and yet people were blaming me for so-called "whining and complaining" when yet I've tried to tell them and they don't listen. Such as HTC for overmodeling the M4 76's hull armor which they barely just fixed. <S> 4brkfast  :salute

Notice the only person that sees it your way is also just as wrong as you were? 

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Offline icepac

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Re: Something more realistic, less arcade.
« Reply #63 on: November 22, 2011, 11:20:37 PM »
I just wonder why the Hurri1 and Spit1 are modeled so that the engine cuts out under -G loading...when I'm really pretty certain alot of our planset would act in a similar way.  I could also be totally wrong. can someone clarify this?


Yes you are wrong.

Offline MachFly

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Re: Something more realistic, less arcade.
« Reply #64 on: November 22, 2011, 11:28:18 PM »
The spitfire 16 in real life was intended for high alt. The way it is in this game is more like the spit9 should be, as an all around turn fighter. RAF pilots said so, after the spit5, the spit9 reigned supreme for the remainder of the war. The spit8 was designed for low alt, the 16 for high and and the 9 as the standard fighter. If any of them should be like the spit16 is, it should be the spit9 or some late war variation of it. I've suggested this before, adding a fourth load out option to choose your powerplant. There were MANY versions of the spit9 as well as planes like the 109g-6. For scenario, snapshot and overall gameplay quality, wouldn't this be fun? Variants in aircraft that may adjust the eny.

This is wrong, Spit16 was specifically designed for low altitudes, that's why the wings are clipped. Spit8 was a medium altitude fighter.

This isn't a realistic game, no matter which way you cut it. You don't believe me? Try doing some of this stuff in Il-2, a much more detailed and well researched game. They too have some over modeled stuff, but at least it's more accurate in accordance to what the historians and pilots said. I was shocked once when a ww2 airplane tv show(history channel) said that the 190 completely outperformed the p47 in every aspect but in the roll, which prompted all the research. Their 30mm doesn't drop after a short distance, for example and is not nearly as slow.

HTC designed AH to simulate real world flying, not Il-2. It looks like your idea of realism is Il-2, Il-2 is a lot further from real life than AH.

This is quoted from wikipedia(they surprisingly have very little information about this): A redout occurs when the body experiences a negative g-force sufficient to cause a blood flow from the lower parts of the body to the head. It is the inverse effect of a greyout or brownout, where blood flows away from the head to the lower parts of the body. Redouts are potentially dangerous and can cause retinal damage and hemorrhagic stroke.

Lets ignore the fact that you quoted wikipedia for now. This quote is correct but it does not say at what force that happens at.

If anything, there should be a serious risk of wounding or killing your pilot, particularly if the move is intense and prolonged.

So how many -Gs will kill the pilot?

Machfly, I wasn't suggesting the smaller wing surface helps you pull more G's, I'm saying that the effects on the pilot are much less because of the lesser wing surface.

No, if your pulling -3Gs you feel -3Gs no matter how big your wing is.
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Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: Something more realistic, less arcade.
« Reply #65 on: November 23, 2011, 01:34:47 AM »
Finally, someone who sees it my way, and yet people were blaming me for so-called "whining and complaining" when yet I've tried to tell them and they don't listen. Such as HTC for overmodeling the M4 76's hull armor which they barely just fixed. <S> 4brkfast  :salute

Wrong. Its just a lack of understanding on how the damage system works. I have a theory on how it works, never been confirmed, but it falls into line with what you see in game. PM me if you want to hear it.

@ MachFly: I think the record is somewhere around 170g's, but thats in racing accidents, when they decelerate from 100-somthing mph to 0 in the space of a few feet (when they hit something solid, like a wall).
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

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Offline MachFly

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Re: Something more realistic, less arcade.
« Reply #66 on: November 23, 2011, 01:58:58 AM »
@ MachFly: I think the record is somewhere around 170g's, but thats in racing accidents, when they decelerate from 100-somthing mph to 0 in the space of a few feet (when they hit something solid, like a wall).

WOW that's a lot.

I was actually referring to negative Gs, you don't normally experience that in a car.
"Now, if I had to make the choice of one fighter aircraft above all the would be, without any doubt, the world's greatest propeller driven flying machine - the magnificent and immortal Spitfire."
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Offline hitech

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Re: Something more realistic, less arcade.
« Reply #67 on: November 23, 2011, 09:55:42 AM »
Don't ever do an inverted -2.5 g push with a passenger aboard, they tend not to appreciate it.

Had a friend in the back seat who was enjoy the acro. Decided to do a 4 point roll but slowly added the rudder in after the 1st quarter so i didn't bounce his head off the side of the canopy. This caused my nose to be slightly lower then normal, which I had to correct for in the inverted to continue the maneuver.  Was just a normal quick correction. When the maneuver was complete I glanced down saw the g meter at -2.5, I really hadn't felt it because when you are preforming the maneuver you prep for it. It really sucked for the guy in back, I apologized profusely.


Offline Melvin

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Re: Something more realistic, less arcade.
« Reply #68 on: November 23, 2011, 11:00:03 AM »
Neat story.

So when are you going to coad it so that stick stirrers hurt themselves through such idiotic maneuvering?

Ya know, since you realize how unrealistic it is and all...
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Offline THRASH99

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Re: Something more realistic, less arcade.
« Reply #69 on: November 23, 2011, 11:16:30 AM »
Notice the only person that sees it your way is also just as wrong as you were?  

Not just multiple problems with the game, but this must be why I proved to HTC that the M4 76's hull armor was too strong now wasnt it?

Jokers Jokers
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Offline THRASH99

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Re: Something more realistic, less arcade.
« Reply #70 on: November 23, 2011, 11:27:26 AM »
Wrong. Its just a lack of understanding on how the damage system works. I have a theory on how it works, never been confirmed, but it falls into line with what you see in game. PM me if you want to hear it.

The damage model is just messed up. For example for planes, I'm pretty sure a 20mm Hispano round would not blow your plane into thousands of pieces in 1 shot, it wasn't a 5 inch shell for crying out loud. I don't mind hearing it if you want to tell me about it ace.

Jokers Jokers
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Offline RTHolmes

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Re: Something more realistic, less arcade.
« Reply #71 on: November 23, 2011, 11:35:29 AM »
I'm pretty sure a 20mm Hispano round would not blow your plane into thousands of pieces in 1 shot

I'm pretty sure they didnt too. I'll bet HT is pretty sure they didnt too, since it doesnt do this ingame.
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Offline THRASH99

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Re: Something more realistic, less arcade.
« Reply #72 on: November 23, 2011, 11:39:35 AM »
@AKAK- BTW, your so-called "whiners/wrong people" that are complaining about the same thing, I see that you have all the time in world to be on the forums, why not make time to fly other planes in AH and get out of your 38 that you fly 24/7 (possibly the only thing you can fly) then you would see what everyone is talking about instead of ranting about how were so wrong.

Jokers Jokers
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Offline THRASH99

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Re: Something more realistic, less arcade.
« Reply #73 on: November 23, 2011, 11:40:45 AM »
I'm pretty sure they didnt too. I'll bet HT is pretty sure they didnt too, since it doesnt do this ingame.
LOL, but yet it blows wings off in 3 pieces in 1 shot.........
« Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 11:53:13 AM by THRASH99 »

Jokers Jokers
"CAN'T TALK NOW.....GOTTA SHOOT!" - Dan Zoernig
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Something more realistic, less arcade.
« Reply #74 on: November 23, 2011, 11:44:22 AM »
@AKAK- BTW, your so-called "whiners/wrong people" that are complaining about the same thing, I see that you have all the time in world to be on the forums, why not make time to fly other planes in AH and get out of your 38 that you fly 24/7 (possibly the only thing you can fly) then you would see what everyone is talking about instead of ranting about how were so wrong.

lol if you can fly a 38... you can fly pretty much anything in AH successfully.
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