Hya mtnman,
As you said
Cause: You improve %hit
Effect: You improve K/D, K/S and K/T
I agree with that statement but,
Concerning to the ranking, it should only recflect the final results (K/d, K/s.....) and not the tools you use to get the results (% hit)
Concerning the fuel amount I admit it is an exemple taken to an extreme in order to express my thoughts.
The best your %hit is, the best your K/d and K/s could be.
The havier the plane you you are able to control in a fight (full of fuel) , the best k/d and k/s could be.
(I'm trying my best with my english level Sir

I see what you mean, but I don't really agree. Here's why.
Fighter rank is really about shooting down the bad guys, and is an attempt to rank based on that. "Shooting" is a vital (and measurable) part of "shooting down the bad guys".
All of the criteria being measured is related to shooting down the bad guys, and success in
any of those will have a tendency to drag at least one of the other subsections up.
Improving K/D will bring up K/T (unless you're being exceedingly cautious) because you'll spend more time "alive" (and likely in the "danger zone"), which means less time flying back to the fight after you die. It'll also bring up your K/S, because if you kill someone you'll probably try to get another one (unless you always RTB after you score a single kill).
If you work to improve your K/S, that is again dependent on successfully killing more opponents without dying yourself, so will bring up your K/D. And of course hitting anybody at all will add to your points. It'll also bring up your K/T for the same reason I listed above (staying alive, while getting kills, means less "wasted" time flying back to the fight.
Shooting anyone down will always have a positive effect on all of the sub-sections EXCEPT Hit% (you could easily shoot someone down but have a negative effect on your Hit%). Shooting a plane down will never have a negative effect on any of the other subsections though.
I'm just of the opinion that improving Hit%
will help bring up the others (a lot, potentially), while bringing up the others won't bring up Hit%.
I certainly think "cause" is the wrong word to describe that effect though. "Byproduct" is more accurate I think.
Also, Hit% is one of the only subsections you can actually practice at (and study), so is really the only subsection (IMO) that measures "skill". You can't "practice" getting more points or improving your K/D, K/S, or K/T. That doesn't mean I don't think those other sections are worth tracking though, because in the end they're measurable components of being a good fighter pilot.
Hit% is also the most "individual" of the measures. Flying with a wingman or horde won't help your hit% much, if at all. It will help your K/D, though, which will have an effect on points, K/S, and K/T. And again, I don't see that as a "problem" with fighter rank, because teamwork is also a valid tool for the fighter pilot.
It just means I don't see K/D, K/T, K/S or points as good measures of an individuals skill.
Personally, I use Hit% as the key measure of individual skill within the ranking system (although it can also be misleading). I honestly consider any kill made by someone with a 3-4% (or less) hit% to be primarily based on luck. After all, they miss 96-97% of the time. That's certainly
not a display of skillful mastery of the tools they're using (in my eyes). If a few of those lucky hits happen to be lucky enough to damage something, or lucky enough to kill someone, well, I still see it as mostly luck.
Hit% gives me a good idea of how good my opponent is at setting up shots (i.e. maneuvering), and judging of his opponent's flight angle, speed, etc... A person who hasn't mastered flying will never master aerial gunnery, but mastering flying doesn't mean someone has mastered aerial gunnery. The best fighter pilots master both, and it's reflected in Hit%. Maneuvering skill on it's own isn't measured effectively with the current fighter rank system.
Of course, Hit% can be skewed. I can easily bring mine up above 40% by limiting myself to killing bombers. Doing so also brings my K/D up into the 80/1 range, and gives me gobs and gobs of points. If I did it with a wingman I could be more effective than that. Killing bombers doesn't help my K/T though, and they use up too much ammo to help my K/S much (unless I re-arm).
Would doing this make me "less" of a fighter pilot than the guy that kills lots of fighters in 1v1 fights? Not by WWII standards, since killing bombers was a vital role of a fighter pilot...
And BTW, flying with more fuel
will also help your fighter rank (as long as you can continue to kill your opponents without getting killed yourself).