does anyone out side of HTC know the variables and computations involved in scoring and aggregating/weighing the various sub-cateories of fighter rank?
given kd, ks, kt, %, points etc = ftr rank for example, does the formula allow us to plug in our own nbr for one or more of the variables to see the effect on ranking?
i.e., what would my rank be if my k/s was say, 1.72 instead of whatever it is now, while all other variables remain teh same?
anyone? class? lusche?
<and to think I used to like maths, and also realize there are some uber-geeks lurking about these forums>
It's very simple. All those subcategories have the same weight, there are no complex math involved, just comparing numbers and simple additions.
Fighter rank is calculated as follows: Each day the players are ranked in each sub category with the best on top and the worst at the bottom. After that, all those sub category rank numbers are added together for each player. The one with the smallest total will be fighter #1, the one with the biggest sum will be last.
It's the same for all other ranks; and total rank is working the same way: fighter, attack, bomber and vehicle rank number added together.
At this moment,
Bruv119 is #5 in K/D, #4 in K/S, #20 in K/H, #62 in Hit% and #247 in Kill Points. Sum = 338, Fighter Rank 3
Esset: #61 (K/D), #57(K/S), #49(K/H), #37(Hit%), #117(Kill Points). Sum = 321, and that's why his fighter rank (#2) is better than Bruv's
Additional blah blah:
By how much your rank will "improve" by getting a sub category to a particular value is a bit difficult to tell, as it depends on you relative standing. If you have a relatively low score in that, even small changes can give you a big boost, but the higher your score already is, the more difficult it becomes.
To illustrate this: The actual fighter mode K/S distribution of tour 141:

Getting your K/S from 0.5 to 1.0 would had resulted in a big jump in that category's rank number (from about #1400 to about #500), but from 2.5 to 3.0 the gain is much smaller.
As a rule of thumb, to get into the top 50 in fighter rank, your sum of sub category rank #'s has to be below 1000, to get into the top 10 it needs to be below 500. Number one in fighters can have a sub-rank sum as low as 80 at times.