You already admitted that you misunderstood what you said before pulling the "It was a Joke" card. If you survive, then the other guy didn't beat you. So by saying that you cannot survive against animal14, agent360, twinboom, and dragonh5 (Plus a few others), you are saying that everyone else cannot beat you. This is called the Transitive Property of Equality.
lol grizz give it up, you bunnies and irishone made up something i never said. the 3 of you lied about what i said. here I'll post it again as proof that all 3 of you guys lied about it.

and here's your bunnies quote of what he says i said: please feel free to highlight in the picture where I mentioned that i can beat everybody else.
you missed it, Tues. night semp announced on 200 that the only a few people can beat him in a 1v1. He provided a very short list which included agent360 and dragonh5.
this is my reply to bunnies.
so this is what I said
"there's only a few people I know that I wont survive in a 1v1" then i name some players
how do you translate to this:
quote is missing but posted above.
people like dragonh5, animal, agent, tb and some others I know for a fact that I will never survive in a 1v1. rest there's a chance i may survive. but it's not the same as me saying they're are the only ones who can beat me.
and bunnies, that's not your screenie .
bunnies reply:
Its not, its IrishOnes... I made it clear that I didn't have it... asked you for the vid... Irish had it...
here's my reply to him explaining my post:
has to do with perception. You said right at the top "semp I found it" as in you had but but misplaced it but found it again. but probably what you meant was irishone found it and sent it to you.
just like you guys assumed that when I said "there's only a few people I know that I wont survive in a 1v1" you guys assume that i said those were the only ones who could beat me in a 1v1 when in fact what it just meant that I wont survive in a 1v1 against them. never meant or implied that I could beat everybody else. except when later i said it as a joke.
so when you stated "you missed it, Tues. night semp announced on 200 that the only a few people can beat him in a 1v1. He provided a very short list which included agent360 and dragonh5" that was your wrong perception of what i said. 
and here is bunnies agreeing that he misunderstood me. him bunnies misunderstood, not I.
fair enough 
and here you are reposting hours later after bunnies had already acknowledged he misunderstood me.
There are only 4 people that can beat semp in a 1v1: animal14, agent360, twinboom, and dragonh5. "Plus a few others."

grizz you guys made up something i never said. you can go back and try find some hidden meaning in my post all you want but to be honest it's getting pretty old. so

, happy trails.