Its closing in on the end of the year, any possible new pie charts coming out?
I would be interesting in helping you compile the data, very curious to break down some of the information - for example you posted last years
pie chart with 5-8 eny, 10-15, 20-25, 30+ is it possible to break it down even more? say for example which is the most plane flown from 20-25eny etc.
I would like to help improve on this, besides Pie charts rock 
The year has to be over first, before the pie can fly

(As of now, I tentatively plan for mid-January a publishing date)
I had not planned to break down usage numbers as detailed as you suggest, but I will think about it. It's not a big deal work-wise, but I already have planned so many topics and charts that I actually have to publish it in three parts on three days. (traditional data, pilots & planes, AH 2001-2011).
But of course I'm always open for suggestions and wishes by anybody. 
And thank you for your offer to, but this is hardly something I can further delegate, not at least because of my highly chaotic "work" style