What is the purpose of your future amp?
Pure audiophilia.
I already own a decent JVC solid state stereo that I use to run CD, home theater, etc.
However, one night a friend and I were discussing my plan to start utilizing my vinyl collection more often. My buddy suggested that I check out the Van Alstine website because he was always impressed with his equipment. One thing lead to another and I started looking further into building my own amp. Unfortunately it looks like I'll need to get my hands on a used St-70 in order to utilize AVA's upgrade kit.
The company I work for has two fully operational fabrication shops and paint departments. I'm thinking that if I bought the AVA upgrade kit, I would only need to buy tubes, power supply and have my own chassis fabbed up and painted.
Anyway, so much to think about. I prefer to plan this out properly and get it right the first time. Of course you know that silly mistakes can get awfully expensive in this hobby.
Ugh... so many details.