Announcing the first scenario of the 2012 season. Winter Sky - Death Ground will be centered around combat in western Germany in February 1945.
The plane set will include;
Germans - Fw-190A8, Fw-190D9, Fw-190F8, Bf-109G14, Bf-109K4, Me-262, Ar-234. (IF we get the Me-410 we will add it)
Allies - Tempest, Tyhpoon, Spit XIV, Spit XVI, Mosquito VI, B-26B, P-47D20, P-47D40, P-51D, P-38J, P-38L.
Also to take advantage of the changes in the ground combat system HTC is currently testing under BETA, we will be including vehicles as part of the event.
Germans - Mk IV H Panzer, Mk V Panther G, Mk VI Tiger, Mk VI Tiger II, Sdkfz 251, Wirbelwind, Ostwind, Storch.
Allies - M4-75W, M4-76W, Sherman Firefly VC, M-18 Hellcat, M3, M16, Wirbelwind, Storch.
Battles will take place on the winter Germany terrain for 2 frames and on the regular Germany terrain for 2 frames. Weather will be harsh at times with clouds down to ground level.
Approximately 100 Allied slots will be available for aircraft and approximately 86 German slots will be available for aircraft. Pilots will have 2 lives in aircraft and 2 in vehicles.
Approximately 20 Allied slots will be available for ground vehicles and approximately 16 German slots will be available for ground vehicles. Each side will have 2 spotter plane pilot positions airborne at any one time, that they can rotate between players. Drivers will have 4 lives in vehicles. Deaths in spotter planes will most likely not count toward this total.
Targets for aircraft will include cities, strats, towns, airbases and bridges. Ground battles will be over towns, geographical locations and other positions. Frames 1 and 2 ground combat will be British vs German, Frames 3 and 4 will be American vs German. There will be air to vehicle attack options. We are still evaluating the new system and how it will interact and will better have this defined in the writeup.
Start date of this scenario is up in the air as it will depend on when the current BETA is released and the Scenario Team is comfortable with the operation of all new items. This will be a Spring 2012 event, and it will be ran on Saturday Evenings at 10pm Eastern time for wheels up / or tracks out.
We are currently accepting volunteers for consideration as Commanding Officers. Please PM - Fencer51 and ROC.
We are currently looking at 3 scenarios for this year, stay tuned.