Me209 never saw service. One was a prototype fighter, the othe was built to break speed records (its records were broken by some WWII prop fighters). Neither were racers, and neither were built as a counter to the Supermarine Spitfire.
The Me 262 was faster
No WWII prop fighter was faster than the Me 262, and only the Me 163 Komet was faster
The Bf 109 was the first fighter to use air to air rockets, IIRC (WGr21's).
The Bf110 came BEFORE the Me 410, that makes the Bf 110 the Me410's predecesor, not the other way around.
No WWII aircraft ever carried a 'howitzer'. Some, however, were armed with modified tank guns, or high caliber AA guns. But a howitzer is a different type of gun.
The Me 410 was simply called hornisse (hornet in german) it was never called the 'twin hornet'
Saying EVZ knows a 'great deal' is stretching a point. He knows a lot of his own BS, but not much else.
I'm not sure, but by the reciprocal arse-kissing being done by EVZ and david, I would venture a guess that one of the two is a shade.