I'd like to know the opinion of someone who can see through the fog. In your opinion, did he or did he not do anything wrong?
Here's how I see it:
He was told in non graphic detail what the grad assistant saw in the shower. The grad student said that he did not go into detail with respect for the 75(?) year old Joe Paterno. Joe Paterno has never dealt with anything like this in his 75 year old life and simply does not know what to do. So he waits a couple days to make the right decision, and then goes to his higher ups and reports the incident to them. They tell him they will look into it. Joe does his part and assumes the "wheels are in motion", afterall the legal process is a slow process. At this point he has done his duty. Now this is where things get weird. Just look at some of the posts von Messa posted. Was campus security contacted by JoePa's higher ups, following protocol? Was it looked into? Was a DA murdered over it? I really have no clue.
Could JoePa have done more? I don't know, I suppose he could have shouted it from the largest mountain, but honestly I think he handled it the right way given the extremely delicate nature of the situation. He went to his superiors who may or may not have done their duty in reporting it to police, it seems they might have. From Joe's perspective, he did his job and could only assume the "wheels were in motion". A year later he might have come to realize nothing ever happened of it due to lack of evidence or shady business, but honestly he is just a football coach with absolutely no experience dealing with this stuff. He did his duty, as did the grad assistant.
Unless there is more information that I am missing in regards to other incidents that JoePa knew about, in particular, while working with Sandusky, in that he knew he was a child pedophile but did not care, then yes, this is extreme negligence and I would question JoePa's legacy as a moral man, but I have not seen anything that would lead me to believe this. And this line of thought, is exactly what the sheeple take from this whole thing without actually taking the time to use their pea brains to think about how it actually went down.