She sure does look purdy. With all those cannons and possibly ord capability, I agree it would make a nice addition to HTC's hangars.
Now, not intended to cast a shadow over anyone's wish, I would like to mention the competition for new hangar entries has not gone in this direction from popular vote IIRC. It is my question/ suggestion what if HTC had a yes or no list? Meaning, would we relax the repeat wishes for PBY, Buffalo, Ki43, G55, D205, etc., if we knew that HTC had a plan to include them or not, at some untold time in the future?
For example, a very subtle post stating (just a fictitous example) PBY will not be added to the hangar of HTC in the forseeable future due to the phenomenal differences in airboat design and traditional AH airplane design.
Also, criteria like number of units produced, time period, combat statistics, compariable existing aircraft, etc., could be subtle answers to whether or not the old

is given.