just curious about this because my g35 just broke. they're being held by duck tape and wood tong depressors as an emergency. I have a good set of 50 dollar headset in the closet. was wondering how can i get those to simulate surround sound. i have a 7.1 on board plus a xfi extreme gamer sound card. perhaps you could write briefly and tell me how to set it up so I can hear airplanes moving around just like they do with my g35. who knows maybe i can write a report and help other guys avoid wasting money and spend it on better vc's instead. I am being serious too.
most simple way to do it with out your sound card software is.
go into windows control panel
next go to hardware and sound.
now go into sound
now in the playback tab click where your headphones are plugged in at. (e.g. if there plugged in front headphone jack or rear speaker jack dose not matter)
now click properties, then go to the tab called "enhancements"
in the enhancements tab there may be alot of settings but the one you want to click is called "virtual surround" then click ok.
and your done. works great.
with your sound cards software for mine it looks like this when headphones pluged in.

then go to this tab

when u click this tab it may look like this turn macroFX on and turn elevation filter on

when u click test you will hear the independent channels at work.
PLEASE NOTE! when in aces high 2 put sounds on "windows default" any another WILL NOT work with this 3d sound!!!