How much more BBS spam are we going to have to see float by, talking about friggin' chesspiece loyalty in a video game? Please give your country-switching paranoia a rest...
the perk police
Give it a break please David. The game is what it is and crusades to make it exactly what we want are just doomed to frustrate.
how about my latest idea what if htc allocated 10 loyal players from each side , who have never changed country , in the last 4 years for example , and if a player changes country , for no other reason but gain of perks , they can be fined so many perks , if then continues , the perk fine will be doubled , for that side , if they jump back again before the war is finished , so that jumper will be hit maybe three times , within 1 tour ,the perk police can notify htc and the perk fines can be handed out for improper behaviour (Image removed from quote.)
This is the retard police.DavidWales, please come out with your hands up, right meow!
Wow, you guys need help.