I see DrBone has found a new Sith apprentice. Good, good, let the hate flow through you.
Sent BBS PM to SF, no answer. PM'ed him in game 3 times, no response.
Redbull, are you going to be on tonight? If not, tomorrow evening? I'm Central time, anything after 7PM I can make work.Boo
Ill be on early tomorrow and stay on most of the day early is around 9ish
I got a PM from SF syaing we were duelling in the first round. I checked the bracket and replied that he was duelling you, and he should contact you. not sure if he's looking at the wrong bracket or something.
I ve been in to look for you half a dozxen times I guess we keep missing eachother and this post it at 6.18 pm my time. I could go for it four hours from now how would that be ?
Ummm yea. I'll be up later this evening.
P40E---TCP38G---TC TC's a beast. Good fights sir.
I didn't make it ingame this morning we have until tomorrow....what is early for you? whats the time difference? I am more of a late night guy.... I could stay up late enough for your early
I'll try and be on. Will you answer my PMs though?