Sorry for the delay guys. I got waylayed today and got a late start on this. I forgot how long it takes to get this thing set up initially.
I had posted an idea in the sign-up thread to lower the number of byes by randomly choosing first round losers to advance but decided against doing it because it's not what everyone signed up for. After further consideration those types of things need to be decided before sign-ups start.
Don't forget that fuel loadout is now the players option.We have 44 competitors so 24 fight and 20 have byes. Here's the final roster. Make sure to let me know if I got anything wrong:
In-Game - BBs
Competitors 4Fox - Fox
AAJagerX - AAJagerX
Ace8 - STXAce8
B4Buster - B4Buster
Bacon8tr - bacon8tr
BaldEagl - BaldEagl - Administrator
batfinkv - mechanic
Baumer - Baumer
Boo - mthrockmor
Debrody - Debrody
DrBone - DrBone1
FBTitan1 - titanic3
Google - Google
gus - gusman
haxxor - dkff49 - Review Committee
INK - ink
Kazan - Kazan_HB
LTARkilz - kilz - Review Committee
LTDangle - JOACH1M - Review Committee
Melvin1 - Melvin
MickyD - MickDono
NatCigg - NatCigg
PFactorD - PFactorDave
Rebel - GNucks
RedBull - RedBull1
SF - --)SF----
Shane - Shane
shiv - shiv
Simon - Simon
Sonic23 - sonic23
Sukov - kilo2
SunsFan - sunfan1121
SWneo - infowars
TC - TequilaChaser - Review Committee Alternate
TnDep - TnDep
Tomcat21 - Tomcat21
TomG - tom5572
Vinkman - Vinkman
Warthog - AceHavok
wrongway - AWwrgwy
Yarbles - Yarbles
Zoney - Zoney
Non-Competitors Krupnski - Krupinski - Review Committee Alternate
And here's the opening bracket. Good luck to all: