How smart do you have to be before you have the mental capacity to understand that not everyones idea of "game" and "fun" are the same? There are several other sims out there that model LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNG boring flights, in boring aircraft, that are as successful or more so than AH. So your gameplay arguments are a complete fail.
As for the score whoring, what do you care if someone makes a few more points by getting picked up? Does it bother you when others get their name in lights? Do you feel jealousy? Do you think that you have a chance of catching up to the top players in the game if you prevent them from getting any more points or getting their name in lights?
I got news for you, you arent getting any closer to that number one spot than you are right now because your adolescent "I want to make the rules" attitudes show that you don't have the maturity to grasp basic common sense concepts. Perhaps the top players in the game were just as adolescent as you before they got to the top and mellowed out, so I will wish you all the best of luck in the hope of someday seeing fewer twits on the forums.
As for the coding, Im guessing an hour worth of work, tops. Lets see...how easy would it be to code this? HMM we already have a join command. Perhaps a little like this (if/command .join johndoe and johndoe is in xxxxxspecificvehiclexxxxx within xxxxfeetxxxx distance then player is attached to xxxxspecificvehiclexxxx)
you'll have to excuse my lack of coding etiquette, my genius is limited by my lack of interest in the subject.