When I used to play BF1942 (totally different style of game) I perfected the art of picking up downed pilots in the water (For those who never played, usualy you died if you were in the water to long)
I'd grab an SBD or other similar 2-seater and as I flew directly over the other player they'd press the enter vehicle button, then I'd fly back and they could jump out and parcute back to base. Obvious merits of this were each death counted against the score so there was some incentive for me to do this. No personal glory, other than saving a teammate and the over all team score.
Would I do this if it was implemented in this game, certainly, I'm a terrible dog fighter (the transition from Arcade Jet Fighter games was not kind to me, what no 1:1 thrust ratio?)
So any litle side thing I can do I enjoy. (i.e. AA-plunking with a B-25H, Torpedo runs with a TBM, marking targets with a storch) I realize in the over all scheme of things most of that doesn't contribute to the game that much, but it's fun for me.