Author Topic: david whales why u no.  (Read 2545 times)

Offline jimbo71

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Re: david whales why u no.
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2012, 12:46:49 PM »
The other day i was flying around my own base looking for enemy tanks and my base suddenly switched to other country and started firing at me because the other team won the war. It was quite silly.

He lives

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Offline 1Boner

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Re: david whales why u no.
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2012, 03:59:17 PM »
The BBs have become the same old same old since he's gone.

I feel empty inside. :frown:
"Life is just as deadly as it looks"  Richard Thompson

"So umm.... just to make sure I have this right.  What you are asking is for the bombers carrying bombs, to stop dropping bombs on the bombs, so the bombers can carry bombs to bomb things with?"  AKP