Author Topic: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do  (Read 3577 times)

Offline Jayhawk

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2012, 01:49:36 PM »
the people that have died was because they made dumb decisions while influenced.

But that is a real danger of marijuana.  Someone who is 16 might not make right the right decision about when or where to use it.

Folks, play nice.

Offline LCAMerciful

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2012, 01:52:28 PM »
invalid. not to start a pot vs alcohol battle here but that isnt true. you dont get prescriptions for a bottle of Jack.

the people that have died was because they made dumb decisions while influenced.

To compare marijuana to alcohol is ridiculous.. I don't think the OP would like his 16 year old daughter to be doing either!  Personally I feel that short term weed is better for you than alcohol but as far as long term effect go.. well I do know people who have done weed for years and believe me.. they ARE compromised!

Regardless of your opinion on marijuana it doesn't change the situation at hand.  Like it has been said it all depends on the situation.  If she just tried it once or twice then it's probably not a big deal.  All you can do is educate her and let her make her own decision.  She is almost an adult after all!

However if she's doing it regularly and is high on a daily basis then maybe now is the time to get her professional help.

Offline MaSonZ

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2012, 01:59:56 PM »
3 years ago when I was busted in school for selling my parents were hard tulips about it. grounded me into the stone age yadda yadda yadda. I had the fire department to look too for advice and keeping focused. I am not a parent, but I would HIGHLY recommend finding a family friend shes close to that she can talk to. You said she likes UFC? enroll her in classes if you can afford it. the biggest thing for her to get her back on track is the find things she enjoys. She is clearly doing well in school, my grades went from A + B to C and flirting with F (no D's at my school  :banana:). I wanted to attend college this fall for Paramedic, because my grades slacked for 4 years (7-11) due to the use then the habit of not caring, I was denied attending. the fact I was busted had no reflection on it, I wouldnt be an EMT with that on my record.

anyway, find things she enjoys and help her as much as you can. you can't hold her by the hand anymore, but you need to guide her right now. it is going to be extremely hard for her to say no to smoking or dealing it for a LONG time. and now that she knows she has been cought, she will be more careful then before so you need to watch her more closely too.

best of luck  :salute
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Offline SPKmes

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2012, 02:00:16 PM »
Have to agree with Guppy and a few others here.... acknowledge you know about it, run through the good and bad points and offer your trust... I wouldn't go over the top as this could possibly cause her to close off to you about things of this nature and not call or talk to you if she ever needed/wanted assistance...Another question is do you trust her friends? Now I know you can know all of them but just a few close ones...are they people you would trust with your daughter and know they would try to look out for her as you would... this is something to think about in this situation, as today it is pot...tomorrow it could be alcohol.. as you know one to many and you can find yourself in situations without even knowing...Trustworthy friends at this age of experimentation is one of my focal points.....

Although people have different view points on this .. dope IMO does not lead to heavier harder drugs .... It is a social thing and is safer than alcohol with far less health related issues.... this being said it is illegal in most places and carries a damning report for future options because of this....

PS ... you have obviously done well to this point in raising your children ... trust your instinct... you know better than any if this is a bad thing for your daughter.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2012, 02:05:38 PM by SPKmes »

Offline Jayhawk

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2012, 02:04:58 PM »
Although people have different view points on this .. dope IMO does not lead to heavier harder drugs .... It is a social thing and is safer than alcohol with far less health related issues.... this being said it is illegal in most places and carries a damning report for future options because of this....

I have to agree it's not marijuana that causes someone to move onto harder drugs, it's the people they are with.  There are socially responsible people who have smoked marijuana for years and it has had no negative effect on their lives.  However, there are those groups who may exhibit more antisocial behavior whose underlying issues may make the transition from marijuana to hard drugs easier.

Folks, play nice.

Offline 4Prop

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2012, 02:05:52 PM »
lol all alcohol does not come in liquor bottles :)

not all pot comes from the street

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2012, 03:14:04 PM »
dude its just pot. If she's doing good in school and seems normal you shouldn't be worried at all, even maybe encourage it. as long as she has more priorities then spending all her money on weed, it should be fine. So try to get her interested in things you guys could spend time doing together. like shooting guns,flying,driving, or even MMA classes. something that she likes so she wont be blowing money on pot all the time.

trying to warn her of dangers of pot probably inst gonna work. especially after all these studies to where it shows that marijuana is almost (almost) harmless and does more good then bad. such as- in medical marijuana states there is 5% less drunk driving accidents and 2% less suicides. also no deaths have ever been reported from the use of marijuana unlike alcohol and just about every narcotic out there. I'd consider some up to date research on the effects of marijuana before you go saying shes gonna die from it.

I know when I was younger I used it almost daily. before I started smoking I was usually "in the dumps" about little things and wasn't very active or sociable. I didn't notice the effect it had on me but my parents sure did. and when I told them that pot was the reason behind it, they were almost glad I was smoking. as long as I had bigger priorities, they were fine with it.

every person is effected differently by it but I was the type where I would clean the whole house in 2 hours. I'd say I had a positive effect from it.

its up to you, but I don't think you should jump straight to the conclusion that marijuana is the devil and will kill everyone who touches it like most parents do. simply find out why she does and talk to her about it.

The problem with this is you are in essence justifying his daughter using.  Sounds more like you should should have sought some help for depression.  Instead you medicated yourself illegally and based on your reaction are suggesting she might benefit from it.  Not the place for the legal or not legal bit other then to say right now it's illegal, and as the parent that's also part of the thinking.  And if she's using regularly, it would also suggest other issues.

If it's 'she tried it a couple times', then it's not time to raise the roof.

Speaking as a former teenager, and as a parent who raised three, and one who spent 25 years working with teenagers, the balancing act is always keeping the lines of communication open while setting limits too.  I never trusted anyone more then my parents, even when they got really stupid when I was a teenager and I knew everything.  As a parent, I always worked at keeping the line of communication open, even when part of me wanted to strangle em now and then :)   And in the end my kids never stopped talking to my wife or myself about things. 

It would be foolish to think your teenagers aren't going to test limits.  All you have to do is go back and look at what you did as a kid.  As the parent, it's still your job to keep them safe the best you can.  That Mthrockmor is looking for ideas and paying attention to his kid, tells me they'll be fine in the end.  Too many parents look the other way or abdicate their responsibility.  He's not doing that.

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Offline PuppetZ

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2012, 03:36:16 PM »
Well, some good advice has been given. I thought about giving my 2 cents. Not as an experienced parent as my kid is only 2 right now, but as a young adult who has been there. First thing I want to tell you is, whatever you do, dont try to manipulate/trick her in any ways. It's an insult to her intelligence and she going to call you on your BS and probably hate you for it, she's a teen after all and we all know THEY know better dont we?. Don't, it's not gonna work and it'll hurt your relationship with her. Speak with her, and tell her you trust her to make the right decisions. No one can make her quit but herself. There is a difference between telling her what you perceive as a problem and trying to impose your way. I know that legally, your still the boss, but at 16 she has a mind of her own. You guided her so far but you dont have the same "power" over her anymore. Dont let it go over you too much, if she's a good girl, she'll get over it eventually, after a few years, when life catch up to her. I did. You'll have to wait and see I'm afraid.

LCDR. Frank 'PuppetZ' Perreault, Squadron intelligence officer

VF-17 Jolly Rogers
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Offline mbailey

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2012, 04:02:53 PM »

From your post I'd say you've done a good job of parenting to this point and that you'll all get through this in good shape.


Mine are a bit young yet (11yrold boy / girl twins) so i cant comment on what to do, but i can sure as heck tell you and your wife are doing a heck of a good job.  Good luck, be patient..... I really did my best to "try" my parents patience, and think i turned out pretty good.  :aok
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Offline F22RaptorDude

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2012, 04:04:21 PM »
Me personally I would watch over her activities a little more closely, once you start something like that I hear its hard to stop even though they say its non addictive, I've been offered it a few times from friends at school, I don't hesitate to say no every time
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Offline Babalonian

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2012, 04:55:21 PM »
I have two daughters, 16 and 6. My 16-year old is a good girl, has never been in trouble. She is getting A's and B's in college prep classes. She loves UFC fighting and likes the whole 'tough girl' image.

Last night I learned that she has been smoking weed. I am completely shocked. My wife and I rarely drink alcohol, do not smoke and have never done any type of drugs. This is simply foreign to us.

We kept her home from school today, took her phone and backpack (in case she has something in there.) We agreed we are not going to fly into a rage, she is not getting shipped off to some military school or intervention. Other then trying to be rational in our response, I'm really at a loss as to what to do. My first thought is to get her into some karate, etc classes to help self-esteem, focus her energy into something sort of UFC.

I know, I shouldn't be asking here but asking family will be potentially prejudiced with other factors. And, no one in our extended family has had their child head this direction. I will ask some family members, etc though I am guessing this group could offer a few thoughts.

OK, anything?


PS Please, if you don't have anything useful to add just skip responding.

Pretty much good call.  The discipline seems fair... except maybe the staying at home thing, I would of gotten high in High School every day if it got me out of it.  :D  She is 16, not 18, living in your house, etc., etc..

As for the "substance" itself...  well, I'd be lyeing to you if I said the "gateway drug" arguement held no weight, so definetley respond apropriatley as opposed to sweeping under the rug as it could turn into something worse.  You have no experience with pot, but do enjoy an occasional drink, so go with what you know as the bar for comparison and responcible recreation (or... I mean... you could start off with lyeing to her about never drinking with friends for "recreation" on the weekends during your young twenties, or that you wouldn't of if you could of...  :aok ).  As far as facts and opinions on the "substance" (I personaly hate making it sound worse than liquor), I can give you mine on it all day, but best to get your own from reputable and sounds information resources available to you.  

I humbley feel it isn't as intoxicating or inebriating as alchohol, and while (like alchohol) one person may be affected by it more than another, it is safer than liquor - BUT... neither of which should a 16-yo be getting "familiar" with.

IMHO:  At 16.... if I may be honest, give yourselves (mom and dad) a pat on the back if she made it this long before being introduced to it by her peers and friends.  I was smoking pot (and drinking) with friends about two years before cigarettes, and I got busted with a citation for possesion of tabacoo to "let the cat out of the bag" with my parents before I was 16.  But that was me here in LA and in the 90s...  which if lets just say it's similar to wherever you live now...  be proactive and supportive with her making good decisions, but obviously not enabling.  If she's going to recreate, she's going to recreate, and then likely, like most of us, grow older and out of it in time (unless, maybe, do you still call your frat buddies for a kegger every weekend?  :confused: ).

What I would concentrate on with her moving forward, besides the predictable sit-down that should happen about us being only mortal but needing to accept responcibility for ourselves and our desires, is who she hangs around with in her free time and as such what she is doing.  Activities is one thing... but to be honest, in this day and age, soicial environment (and depending on the state you live in and their own laws/views on marijuana) you could force her into boot camp, AP honors, karate, future women presidents of tomorrow club, and varsity swim team... AND STILL she WILL end up recreating smoking pot with her fellow boot/AP/karate/swim peers because it will be everywhere.  The difference is really in her choices in friends and how you nuture those.

IE:  I tended to get in trouble with my parents, administrators, and the law when I hungout with my "bad" drinking/smoking friends who also had a bad tendancy to like ditching, sneaking out past curfew.  Now, my "good" friends you, as parents, wouldn't notice the difference between unless you really step outside "the box" because we also liked doing those same things too (surprise!)... when over at their house smoking a joint, we'd also be doing homework instead of smoking the joint and then just playing video games or watching TV... and honestly, we'd blaze first with enough time to air out before the parents came home, and yes my grades were better hanging with my "good" friends, but clearly probabley could of been better.  Parents would leave one of us the house for the weekend: My "good" friends would have a small only-close-friends BBQ where we'd have a good time drinking and smoking in the backyard, sometimes even until sunrise, without so much as making the neighbor's dog bark.  My "bad" friends... well, movies, national media, and some of your college frat parties would cover the evening's goings.  (I have a tale to tell you Mr. Parent-of-a-16-yo-daughter of when I was growing up about a party one evening in an upscale-neighborhood *cough* Calabassas *cough* thrown by a 16-yo girl whos parents were out of the country but who gave her permission (an in written notice to the neighbors) to throw a huge BDay party...  I think ~ half the entire san fernando valley and the great metropolitin LA basin teenage population were in attendance because she wanted it to "blow up"... and it did, turned into a rioting and looting of the house, of particular epicly-legendary mention was her parent's prized personal wine cellar, 7-8 digit uninsured digits... a bad decision, maybe?)  

She'll be just fine so long as her parents keep up the great work!...  oh, and let us know when she's finally 18.  :cheers:
"Let's light 'em up and see how they smoke."
POTW IIw Oink! -

Wow, you guys need help.

Offline Babalonian

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #26 on: February 22, 2012, 05:06:57 PM »
Me personally I would watch over her activities a little more closely, once you start something like that I hear its hard to stop even though they say its non addictive, I've been offered it a few times from friends at school, I don't hesitate to say no every time

The straight problem to the equation is 16 =/= 18+ and kids have no buisness with things that are so dangerous.... that being said, kids will be kids, and will think they know better or are stronger than they really are - every known substance on this earth included.

Keep it up Raptor!   
"Let's light 'em up and see how they smoke."
POTW IIw Oink! -

Wow, you guys need help.

Offline Rich52

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2012, 05:25:42 PM »
Think your alone? Think your kid is alone? I bet at least 1/2 of the parents who think their kids havnt smoked weed are living in a fantasy world. My experience is "most" will at least have tried it, most of all when they start going to "Parties". Ive watched my kid like a Hawk, know what to look for, and regularly ask him if he has. He says no and I sure hope he is telling the truth cause he'll never get a job smoking weed. Its not 1973 anymore. Your daughter is going to turn 17 soon and if she gets pinched then for it she'll have an arrest number for life on her record she'll have to explain away for the rest of her life. With 100 kids standing in line for every job it might hurt her.

When I was 16 students were passing joints in chemistry class. Its not the end of the world that your kid is useing. I'll give you the same advice I gave my buddy when his daughter, my Goddaughter, got pinched. "Dont push her away, instead, bring her in closer". Dont drive yourself nuts over this. She'll be fine.
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Offline Dichotomy

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2012, 05:31:21 PM »
As a parent, I always worked at keeping the line of communication open, even when part of me wanted to strangle em now and then :)   


I never had to deal with issues on pot or alcohol so what Guppy says is about all I have.  Squid always knew if he wanted to drink and was only doing it at home I had absolutely no issue with it.  There's always booze in the house.  He went through a very short phase where he tested his limits and the inevitable night happened when he spent the later hours laughing at the carpet.  He may have an occasional drink now and then but he doesn't go on binges just for the heck of it. 

Personally I think pot should be legal even though I don't personally like it.

Soooo... If I were you bro my biggest issue would be the fact that it was hidden from me and possibly brought into my house without my permission or discussion prior. 

At this point I think communication is really the key. 
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

Offline homersipes

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2012, 06:20:24 PM »
I have been contimplating posting on this matter as my daughter is only almost 2, and opinions are like a@#holes everyone has one.  I am 29 and never smoked weed, or drank while I was growing up.  Still dont do either.  Almost everyone I work with smokes weed some even grow it, as far as it goes I dont see how its worse than booze, PERSONALLY.  But illegal is illegal and should not be condoned.  Cudos to you and your wife for doing a good job with parenting, most of the kids my wifes sister used to hang out with at that age were total losers drunks and stoners, along with a lot of kids I see walking the streets.  If my folks would have found out I was smoking weed,boy  oh boy the world would have been over.  I can only say what I would probably do is to talk to her about the consequences such as jail time and fines and such, probably take phone computer privelages.  Then take a look at the friends shes hanging out with.  I know from personal experience that you cant make her stop "chillin" with her friends, but my folks always tried to explain to me "where are they going to be in 10 years"  lol I heard that a lot.  well thats my 2 cents.  good luck.
oh yeah there has been some good advice given that I will have to remember