Author Topic: Visual and map weirdness  (Read 340 times)

Offline TheRapier

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Visual and map weirdness
« on: March 05, 2012, 11:51:18 AM »
This Saturday during peak player times I and several squaddies noticed some a strange behavior. I would be looking at a squaddie at from 3k to max range and see a dot near them. They would look around and there would be no players anywhere near them, even after a thorough look around. Watching them closely, what would happen is that a dot would split out from them, follow them for 20 seconds to a minute and then disappear. It went on from about 8-10 pm PST and then as the number dropped seemed to stop.

Radar wierdness went on all weekend and didn't seem to be tied to numbers. Squaddies would show as being 2-5 sectors away when they were within 4 miles of my position. They reported similar situations. Dar bars seemed to blink in and out in certain sectors with no bad guys present. Bad guys winked into existance suddenly near or over a field on the map where there was a functioning radar.

It's hard to look everywhere at once but it seemed that individual and groups of planes suddenly appeared in space 2-5k out where there had been no dots approaching before.
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Offline Darkdiz

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Re: Visual and map weirdness
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2012, 08:19:17 PM »
I saw some of this as well, friendly dot in sector, but no dar bar, nme suddenly appearing in a spot I just looked at, shooting, missing and then drifting out in front of me, then me shooting, missing and nme disappears, no nme dar bar in sector when this occurred.

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