No, trolling would be to call somebody a troll that has simply pointed out some basic info.
Your inability to hit the Z key accurately is not to be placed as a burden on others that can. The best solution? Map zoom to your joystick. Or to another key... I find it is one of the most important aiming tools since we all fly around with such wide FOVs, that I devote a button on my stick to it, even if my stick has limited button options. Fire, Secondary fire, zoom, it was the 3rd most important button to map any time I had to set up a new stick or a re-install.
Remember all the accidental bailouts in AH history, because the ENTER key was the bail key? For those of us that typed 3 lines fast it would bail out of our planes. The solution? Not to recode how ENTER works, but rather to remap what I used as my "hit 3 times to bail" key. While others had it happen to them, it stopped happening to me. I would share this advice to them as well ("remap the bail key!").
Hopefully you will see this is simply adding perspective to the issue. There is no trolling taking place.