I built this system for Pollock about two years ago. He did and upgrade and traded his old parts in.
Case Diablotek EVO (New)
Motherboard: Gigabyte EP45T-UD3P (the Holy Grail of Stable OC socket 775 boards) The T in the model number makes the mem DD3
CPU: E8400
HSF: OCZ Vendetta II
Mem: OCZ3N1800SRGK 4GB (2 x 2GB) 1800Mhz DDR3
HDD: Western Digital WD640AALS Caviar Black 640GB 32mb cache
PSU: OCZGSX700 700 watt
GPU: XFX 5850 1GB card
DVD: Samsung SH-222 Read - Write DVD/CD combo drive
450.00 includes shipping