If Wofat in Spit...you get die from a Spit. Plane small part. Pilot bigr part.
Spit FUN two fly!
(plane name here) Dweeb = many pilot luv. We all luv game so it be.
I love those who speak of their spitness in 3rd person....oddly dweebish in its own right and wreaks of drug addiction.
But here's the deal....Spits are great at nothing but good at everything and someone that knows them, slow and flaps down in a stall fight? The Flaps-down spit will get the angle much faster and more efficiently than just about any plane in the set....if you know her. If you don't, you'll fumble through a slow death. I suspect that is the case with every plane....if you know it and have it's muscle memory down, you're deadly in that one.
Oh, titanic, Im IN on your Royal Spitness