Note that bomber kills actually have any influence on your SCORE as there is no kill point category, nor is any other bombing score category being influenced by the kills you achive (no k/h for example). No amount of kills matters for your score and rank.
They are listed just as a statistical information. And in this regard, they are working just like I explained above: On the webpage score, only the kills of planes do show up, on the ingame score card only the kills of GV show up.
Actual example: My current bomber score. I have killed 4 planes, but no GV while flying bombers in the current tour.
This inconsistency can be quite confusing, but it is the way it is.
Lusche, It does truely look like a glitch, but a glitch that looks unique to your scores. As in one of my discussion with Roy, this very topic came up several years back. He explained that the scores on their site do in fact lag behind the scores in game. Roy also explained the happenings of fighter kills while in bombers just as I explained above.
I too will show both my game score and my AH site score copied and pasted from this very date. While I cannot explain your reversed inconsistancy problem, Roy did in fact explain this expected inconsistancy shown in mine. My in-game examples have 14 ground vehicle kills with 8 assists. On the AH site, kills number only 9 while assists list but 6. The lag I was told to expected is quite evident.
Now let's look deaper to show everyone that ground vehicles do in fact count towards our score while the aircraft kills (unfortunately) do not.
The oddity that pops up here to confuse things more; My AH site Statistics are up to speed with my listed score in-game. As you'll see, my 14 ground vehicle kills are shown, but also shown are my aircraft kills. These aircraft kills you'll see when added up do not .
More information, while time consuming and initially confusing, will clear things up for all once it comes together for you. Lastly, what I either could not find, or just isn't available anymore due to repeatity, is a panel that shown the number of kills that counted towards a particular score and those which did not.
My current Bomber Score in-game:
The lagging AH site Bomber Score
AH site Stats that shows all my kills with a bombe: (Count the fighter kills and subtract from the total bomber kills as that will equal the in-game Bomber Score Kills.)