I live batman
Just taken right now ready for battle just had my tea and crumpets.(Image removed from quote.)and a slightly more normal shot (Image removed from quote.)
You are about to get vulched in that 1st pic.
still waiting for your pic
I sent mine off to be airbrushed. Evidently the price they quoted was not enough. They have had adders on 4 different occasions and still not through.
L to R - Me, wife, daughter and SWkiljoy (all 6'4") of him front center.(Image removed from quote.)
I was just commenting on bronks, he says he is a big bad biker dude, invited me to cali so him and his "club" could teach me a lesson....
Be careful, his club may refer to the Village People. They'll throw sequins at you! The humanity!
the game is concentrated on combat, not on shaking the screen.semp