How would you know? Shot and hunted much have you? I have footage of a slaughter house in the UK, where you get your pigs, sheep, and cows to gnaw on but its so horrible I cant even link it. And to think? Your bunch outlawed bowhunting as inhumane. Go to you tube and search "UK cow slaughter".
It makes hiking to 8,000' in the Rocky moutains for a week, and cleanly taking an Elk at 450 yrds, look rather fair and sporting.
Absolutely Nothing wrong with that...unless you take the rack and waste everything else....then its despicable, that would be "Trophy Hunting"...but I feel you would not do that.
there is NOTHING wrong with Hunting, hell sometimes it is necessary to cull the numbers of over populated animals, which can be just as bad as numbers that are to low....
I just don't understand Trophy Hunting, hunting for nothing other then to hang a animals head on the wall...not only do I not understand it, but it really gets me angry.....I have a few choice words for trophy hunters, that I can not say here.