Author Topic: The 47 Ronin Are Recruiting  (Read 778 times)

Offline Oddball-CAF

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The 47 Ronin Are Recruiting
« on: March 30, 2012, 12:18:05 PM »
"The 47 Ronin" squadron is a group of individuals which
exists for the purpose of operating as a cohesive fighting unit within the
context of "Aces High 2", the online WW2 flight/combat simulator.

  We fly as "Rooks" in the "Late War Arena".

  The main purpose of the squadron's existence is to allow pilots with a common
vision of working together the opportunity to do so within an environment of
camaraderie, friendship and esprit de corps.

    We are primarily a fighter squadron, though the things we do together will to
a large extent find us in "heavy" fighters, bombers, and very occasionally,   
ground vehicles. We fly both Axis and Allied aircraft.
Squad Nights

   One evening each week, we have a formal "Squad Night".
These days it is held each Wednesday evening at 9PM Eastern time.

   In many instances, pilots will have varying schedules or interests
which may preclude them from getting the chance to fly with their squad mates on
a regular basis during the week. On "Squad Night", we try to get as many Ronin
pilots as possible together to participate in a formal mission.

 During the week, pilots are heartily encouraged to fly any and all types
of planes or vehicles they please. There are not now, and will not ever be,
any restrictions on what pilots fly or do during the week. It is
anticipated however, that anytime two  "47 Ronin" pilots are in the air that they will
naturally wish to wing" one another and work together in whatever goal they set for 
that sortie.

 The bottom line for this squadron is good people, with a good sense of humor,
 who enjoy flying together, having fun, and enjoying ourselves.

  For more info on The 47 Ronin, you can hit the squadron website at: , PM me or anyof my squaddies in the Late War Arena
if you see us online, or hit the "contact" link on the squadron website.

Chief Cook And Bottle Washer
The 47 Ronin

Offline Peyton

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Re: The 47 Ronin Are Recruiting
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2012, 02:42:11 PM »
How's it going Odd?

I would like to join.....oh wait...I'm already in.