You don't even play the game let alone played when the Tiger 2 came out, you haven't faced a Tiger 2 sitting on concrete blasting tanks 3k away and lands when you ping them once or twice or when someone drops a bomb bails.
Again where is the experience in dealing with it? you don't have any. On a certain map like V41 (next to A40) is a Vehicle base where ground vehicles spawn from the Port P39 - while back I upped a Tiger 2 and without having to leave concrete
I was able to blast tanks at 4k away, they had to drive around the ocean and had VERY few cover spots to hide out.
I rarely take up a Tiger 2 because Its not only timid to do this, but if you look at certain players its evident they exploit this more often then none.
I have kills in the Tiger II dummy. You just assume that because I don't currently have an account, that I wasn't in for the Tiger II. Granted I haven't played the M18, the Panzer IV F, or the new P-40's, but I was in for the Tiger II.
When I (correctly) accused Krusty of having almost no recent expierience with GV's, I went back and checked his scores. I checked each month, and all tours for most months, to make sure I was right. But the point is that I checked, and that I was right. If you want to say I have no grounds to talk on th M18, then go for it. I would agree with you, since I haven't played it. If you want to say I have no grounds to talk on the Panzer IV F, well maybe. Its still a panzer, and probably still plays in the same basic style as the Panzer IV H.
But no, you're too damn lazy to go check and see if I played in the tour when the Tiger II was released. You know the month, you don't even have to check ALL the months, just one. And theres only one arena where I could have played the Tiger II. Thats not just laziness, thats stupidity.
Oh, and BTW, when I took out a Tiger II during that tour, not once was I on the concrete. I was out brawling with it, and using it to smash in their flanks.
You are fanatical about it. Your claim that if there is any aircraft carrying a single bomb the Tiger II is as good as dead if it leaves the concrete is at least as absurd as my claim that you want GVs to be able to kill aircraft at will. My claim that you want GVs to be immune to aircraft is certainly not far off the mark.
Never once did I say that a single plane with a bomb is certian death for the Tiger II, you're putting words in my mouth. I said that planes are more dangerous to GV's than GV's are to planes, which is true. The two aren't even close. Granted the wirbys have high kill numbers, but from what I observed when playing, it was mostly because people were flying stupid, not because Wirblewinds were some great scourge on aircraft.
I actually feel the reduced icon range would be enough (and from what I've heard, it has been). But when idiots start going on about how we need to be harsher on GV's, thats when I get steamed. And yet with NO evidence to support your claim, you go and accuse me of wanting imunity to aircraft. I'm actually a bit supprised, normally you're more intellegent than that.
Babalonian, the issue is that it penalizes everyone unfairly whenever the VH is down. And its not at all uncommon for VH's to be down when under attack; if anything its the norm.