I personally am of the opinion that there are more then one school of thinking concerning throttle use... One school believes that max throttle most of the time maximizes E and can be exploited... School two manipulates throttle extensively in order to control turn radius. Both schools have advantages and disadvantages.
A student of dog fighting needs to realize that there are two trains of thinking and decide which facets of both schools best serve in any given situation. Key word being situation. Marriage to either school exclusively is short sighted, in my opinion.
I say this after more then four years in the Aces High community and spending many hours with quite a few different trainers, exposing that not all trainers approach air combat in the same way. There is no simple solution or answer to the question the OP posed.
This is a good bit of advice and 1 of the reasons I suggest players check out more than 1 trainer. Everyone has their own techniques and habits and following a single course is narrow minded,funny never quite thought of it like that but it's definitely true...
Boo,I think the answer your looking for isn't an easy one,because it depends on so many variables I don't think there is a definite answer except nose down power down,nose up power up. Rolex like to teach the elevator works to control speed,and it does,nose up slow down,nose down and speed up so I think it's safe to say those rules apply to throttle work.
Bigrat and baldeagl both touch on something that shouldnt be ignored either,many of us use throttle much more than we realize simply because it's instinctive and we dont have to think about it. Boo is in the cognitive stage where he's think what to do and analizing what he's done after the fact.
I think the best thing you can do to help yourself with this Boo is to practice,go to the TA and get a buddy and tail chase each other and try to shake the other guy. You will soon find out what works and what doesnt.