Author Topic: 332nd Fighter Group Recruiting - Looking for future CMs as well  (Read 449 times)

Offline swareiam

  • Aces High CM Staff
  • Gold Member
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  • Posts: 3198

The 332nd Fighter Group is a main arena squad that is looking to grow in many different ways. Yes, we are looking for members who are interested in our main MA mission, which is effective fighter escort. But we are also looking for folks who may be interested in becoming AH Campaign Managers or CMs in the future. In general as well as historically, we look forward to flying fighter escort missions and taking the time to get the bombers back home safely. But there is another element to the squad that you may not have known about. We want to help you prepare to be an AH CM. Yes, we would reserve the right to or not to recommend you for a CM position. It is just that important that CMs be good quality people who can follow through on their assigned responsibilities.

You may be asking, well what does a CM actually do?

An AH Campaign Manager is responsible for supporting one or more Aces High Special Events.  Generally, these are more experienced players that may have a few years of play under their belts. But mainly, these are players that have an active history of being involved in one or more AH special events over a prolonged period, meaning you flew in more than one scenario or participated in more than many SNAPSHOTS, etc. Please understand that becoming a CM is a process and you must actually apply to become part of this community. The 332nd Fighter Group hopes to help you along with your desire to become a CM. In no special order, the AH special events are listed below;

  • Friday Squad Operations
  • Aces High Scenarios
  • This Day in WWII
  • Sunday European Campaign
  • Wednesday SNAPSHOT
  • KOTH or King of The Hill
  • Heavy Metal Sunday
  • AHXAR - Aces High Extreme Racing League
  • SDL or Squad Dueling League

Regardless of the event, there is a CM or CMs behind the scenes that prepares an event in advance to ensure that the AH Special Events patrons and players have a goodtime. Now, I have to say that being a CM is not for everyone. It takes a person that understands responsibility both in and out of the MA. Someone who has an interest in WWII and its rich history. Also it takes a little creative flair.

The 332nd Fighter Group wants to be able to recruit a few CMs that have a vested interest in supporting AH special events. If this sounds interesting to you. Drop swareiam a PM or just post a note in this thread.  Hope to chat with you soon.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 11:40:10 PM by swareiam »
AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
Aces High Scenario, FSO, and Combat Challenge Teams
Don't let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn't go with it. General Colin Powell