I have suggested this before and so I will again! I think if you have a damaged aircraft, yet you don't want to end your "sortie", for what ever reason, you should be able to land at a friendly base, taxi into one of the empty hangars, wait 3 minutes, taxi back out the runway and takeoff again. My logic on this suggestion is based on, you can drop a "box" of vehicle supplies 700 feet away from a damaged tank and you are back in business again. So why can't we do the same thing with aircraft? If a turret on a tank or flak wagon can be replaced by just dropping supplies close by, doesn't it make sense that we should be able to "field repair" a damaged aircraft. Some of the things I am thinking about are, oil leaks by enemy fire or ground ack, a damaged gun or guns by air combat or ground ack, a missing aileron, 1/2 elevator, rudder or many other things which force you to end your sortie.