No this is the one that had the 3 valleys that had the GV bases in a long line. It also had a single max alt field near the middle of the map that all sides fought to own. The GV battles were a blast on this map and the sea battles in the sea in the upper left corner (where the islands Killnu mentioned) were some of the best fights around.
yes the islands are on the sea area on the northwest side of the map.
the high alt field in the center has some drawbacks in the form of an enemy vbase from each country that is uncapturable. the fights over this small high altitude field have the potential to be epic and it should change hands quite a lot. the logic behind having each country have an uncapturable vbase with no spawn points a short driving distance from this center high altitude base is to keep the base in constant danger of being over run thus giving a counter punch to its high altitude offensive ability. this is a fluid map and will likely reset quickly. having a thorn in the side of this high alt base changing hands often should keep the map from resetting in a couple hours to steamroll hordes once in a while in theory. but most likely if the steamroll gets going this fast moving front design will reset quickly if the horde is not stopped even with this center wrench thrown in the works.
I redesigned the center of the map a bit with what I had learned from building and playing on ozkansas.
A large attempt has been made again to offer as much variety of combat interaction. airfields on the perimeter concentrate on air2air and carrier fights. inland from that and some distance from airfields are chains of vbases.
towards the center an expanded version of the combined air and ground fight that is setup to be operational even after bases are captured or lost and not dependant on a starting setup for maximum fight potential. it uses the ability of some vbases to anchor fights away from the airfields themselves. a setup i stumbled upon in ozkansas that I found the fight results to be very good.
25 miles further towards the center a ring of airbases with no ground spawns to increase their capture difficulty.
the center high altitude base is some distance from the lower rings of bases. it is somthing worth fighting for and defending as it does give a strategic forward operating base for anyone brave enough to try to get bombers out of. there is a high probability I will try my hand at camping in a wirble some distance from the departure end of this field waiting for any heavy sluggish aircraft trying to get out of this base if my country does not own it. would probably get popped bya tank trying this though so I am interested to see how hotly contested this little center conflagration can become.