Yes, it's been asked.
Where is the registration? Where is the event writeup?
Not here yet. The event isn't until October and November for crying out loud!! Then...QUAH? Why all the posts, threads and banter mucking up the forums? Well, we are team building. Yes, that is right, team building. We are drawing people to the event early, people that want to invest months in learning the history of the squads, planes and time period that was the foundation of this event design. We are building teams that want to fight for each side, no matter the planes, no matter the map, no matter the objectives, but are fighting for a cause! The Cause?? Because we want to have a blast!
Our goal is to provide a very unique experience in this scenario. I, personally, look forward to flying with each group as we practice, train, drill, discuss abilities and obstacles. We have time for this. Months in fact, really, alot of months. It would be the greatest of successes when, after the events final frame, there is a real sense of loss as the teams are dismissed and the last shot is fired.
It has been years since an event of this scale and caliber has been presented to the AH community.
Don't miss this. Get on board early, but be ready to invest your time and energy into a long, sustained effort.
Who knows, we might grow so tight the next scenario is nothing more than a challenge pitting our teams against each other again
Both sides are drawing old school dropouts back into the game. Both sides are drawing newer players into an event and showing them a whole new way to play. There is something for everyone that wants to see what this game can truly be, because simply put, the game is simply the board. We are the pieces, and we can make it what ever we want.
Axis is recruiting.
Feel free to contact Brooke or myself, along with the excellent Group Leaders representing us.
A8's, G14s, K4's, D9s, perhaps even some 410s.
Allies have some planes also, but frankly, you might as well fly some recycled tin cans because they just aren't going to last as long, but if you want a challenge and are into bloody pain filled weekends, they do need some fodder...errr.... I mean B17, B24 PeeeFittyOnes and stuff flown around for us to shoot at. We would be eternally grateful to those who fly the Allied side for us, we don't want to be bored and start shooting each other.
Well, what about the ones who want to wait until October and just sign up? Go ahead. Wait. It's ok. There might not be room, but you can also walk on as a 6 frame event does require a great deal of commitment and real life often intrudes. There will usually be a spot, but simply put, if you are going to sign up last minute then you are only going to experience the small, minor part of the event and that is the flying part during the frame. You are going to miss MOST of the event. Consider this, you may be sitting on the sidelines never quite understanding the inside jokes, never understanding why we are going east then south instead of north and west, you are simply going to go where you are told when you are told to go there. Dull! Boring!! You will never get up to speed with 4 months of these teams preparing themselves in a 10 minute brief. You would be silly expecting it. So if you want in, get in, get in now.
Or wait. That's ok too. But don't wait then talk about how shallow the experience was, because we won't be listening.
Carry on, thanks