Author Topic: Zombie Apocalypse Thread  (Read 1075 times)

Offline MarineUS

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Zombie Apocalypse Thread
« on: May 29, 2012, 12:04:41 AM »
It was mentioned that a thread of this sort should be re-made and that I should make it soooooo here we go.  :devil

The article that started it all again:  :O

Time to discuss tactics, tips, equipment, plans etc.  :joystick:

Here is mine:

A friend of mine and I have discussed this at length and it seems that we are in a good spot if that ever happens.

Our SOP will be to
1) Link up together in a centralized location

2) Go to the pawn shops in town (One carries a .50 sniper rifle with 5 mags. I actually had planned to purchase this after my deployment but couldn't due to bills) and gather as many weapons and ammo as possible (There are hundreds of weapons there) as well as CB equipment.

3) Raid the nearby Army National Guard center. Load up the supplies into the back of a 7-ton, put a .50 in the mount, and if possible grab a HMMMWV (Since this station doesn't seem to have any visible MRAP's) for quicker scavenging.

4) Bypass large stores (The only big one here is a Wal*Mart) and stick to raiding the gas stations. Make one initial attempt to completely load down the 7-ton with food from a local grocery store. Stick to vacuum sealed items. Grab perishable items and see if we can locate places to freeze them to prevent them from spoiling.

5) Hit up the hidden underground FEMA station here. It has solar panels, generators, bio-chemical weapons (Not that we'll use them, but they could come in handy to work out domination issues with other sects that may want to intrude), surveillance cameras in the trees and two rows of Concertina wire, lead lined walls, comm stations, satellite communication as well, land lines to other FEMA stations (allowing us to setup a solid coast to coast, underground resistance.). Hold here and use the food acquired beforehand and then swap to the FEMA storage food and MRE's.

Boarding yourself up and not going anywhere is a bad idea. You should only use tall buildings to place smaller CB antennas to establish communication with other survivors. Using a repeating/looped message to distribute your location is best because it allows you to put up the message and leave before you draw too much attention.

You will want water purification tablets. Also! A survival tip! - If you can only find muddy/sandy/salty water from digging a hole or some other means where you can get the water to remain still: Place a piece of clear plastic over the hole with a cup in the hole. Place a rock CENTER of the plastic (above the cup). NOW - the water will attempt to evaporate but will get caught on the plastic and since there is a rock making it go down the slightest bit, the water will form back up underneath rock on the side of plastic with the cup and it will drip the FRESH water (since dirt doesn't evaporate) into your cup. It may take time, but it will keep you alive.

Like I said, we've put a lot of thought into it. Anyone who wants more tips - feel free to ask. :P
Like, ya know, when that thing that makes you move, it has pistons and things, When your thingamajigy is providing power, you do not hear other peoples thingamajig when they are providing power.


Offline F22RaptorDude

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Thread
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2012, 12:44:04 AM »
Still thinking up a plan, although it would be pretty dangerous to stay in a place for more than an hour, like you, find a vehicle that can carry a heavy load, preferably military, stock up on non perishable food and my plan is head out to sea, take a sail boat of some sort, or use your imagination and find a large solar powered boat, tons of fishing gear and a heck of a lot of propane to cook up some fish.

Local pawn shop for weapons, the one by my house has a working 18 wheeler in the back that is almost always there so that could be worth taking. Look for some gun stores, small caliber for the win because for a zombie(or almost any living thing except Chuck Norris) its only going to take one well placed bullet, and the load would be lighter for more ammunition.

Stick with people you trust, in the event of this happening others are gonna form leaderships that will raid other weaker survivors for ammo and food, so travel in a small group of 2-6 people and accept that if someone gets bit or surrounded there are no hero's you have to leave them. Uncommon places for people to be are ideal, for example walmart is a no, everyone is gong to go there and probably someone infected then its going to turn into a walmart massacre. A place without a lot of windows, multiple ways of escape would be perfect, getting trapped wouldn't be fun cause you always get your  :ahand handed you by the horde.

With the boat I figure a Ferry would ideal since all the heavy tankers would be impossible to pilot. A Ferry doesn't have a lot of hiding places so its ideal, it can carry a lot of weight if its the kind that carry cars, and you could probably keep a vehicle or two for support on it. Having a tanker truck would also be a convenience although I have no idea what Ferrys run on but I assume its diesel these days. Find an island of some sort or maybe an oil rig, oil rigs are cut off from land so they would have a good chance of hosting non infected people, although they might turn on you since you have guns and a boat so be careful.

Going back to guns (I know i'm all over the place) silenced weapons should be utilized so that the noise won't draw to much attention. A method to make as little noise as possible is what you need in order to not bring the horde to your door mat.

First Aid kits should be in the plentiful since running your likely to fall :rolleyes:, or jumping off of crap to get away is likely to get you some nasty bruises, although if you get bit or scratched or drooled on your pretty much screwed and should turn the gun on yourself to avoid eating your friends or worse, forcing them to have to do it while you deal with the pain of having to be a zombie.

Basically find a place in he ocean with a few friends or family, and sit tight the world has a limited amount of people and unless the zombies start having zombie babies I wouldn't be worried cause eventually they will rot and fall apart when their feeding supply runs out.

I'll probably come up with more as others post
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Offline Plawranc

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Thread
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2012, 04:17:13 AM »
My plan is simple.

1. Stock up on makeshift weapons, and get into my car.

2. I have webbing, survival kit and full bush gear in my wardrobe for any disaster.

3.  Head out to My local Military base, if there are soldiers still there, im fine. If not then scavange.

4. Hitting Petrol stations in isolated places, in the hills, away from population centres as well as scavanging whats left of supermarkets.

5. with enough resources stockpiled in the car. head out bush.

6. Unwrap camoflague net. Crank up the Laptop.

7. Sit and play skyrim while the world ends.

Assuming that this is RAGE style as this is the only realistic scientifically viable method of a Zombie apocalypse. Wait until the Infected starve and then drive home.
DaPacman - 71 Squadron RAF

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Offline TGG93

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Thread
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2012, 05:34:34 AM »
Purchase enough treadmills to surround my house.
The Few.

Offline coombz

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Thread
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2012, 06:39:38 AM »
play the ARMA 2 DayZ mod and get some practice in :)
Did you see my dad on dogfights yet?
I'll be seeing you face to face possibly next month.

Offline ozrocker

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Thread
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2012, 07:02:20 AM »
Purchase enough treadmills to surround my house.
:rofl :rofl A Treadmill Moat. That'll keep'em busy.

                                                                                                                                :cheers: Oz       
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Offline Butcher

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Thread
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2012, 07:48:17 AM »
Zombies can't run, secondly zombies? you think those are scary? try dealing with a scorned woman.

Dig deep into the bowls of your soul, try to imagine the ultimate nightmare, Zombies are NOT it - a pissed off woman is.
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Thread
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2012, 10:26:12 AM »
Pretend im from Fallout 3, grab a rifle and start shooting everything weird looking :aok
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Thread
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2012, 10:30:26 AM »
Allready posted this yesterday  :rolleyes:

Try what I did Marine i looked at first 2 pages them when i didn't see this topic i posted it.

TBs Sounds 
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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Thread
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2012, 11:08:45 AM »
General: The key really is to be prepared ahead of time; if you need to forage for food, fuel, or weapons at the outset, you're already dead. The decision to bug-out depends on where you live, the physical patrticulars of your domicile, and how advanced the crisis is before you recognize the danger.  Staying put may be the best thing to do (initially, at least), especially if civil unrest is already widespread, and is between you and your bug-out location.  During Katrina, those who left New Orleans 24 hours prior to the storm reaching landfall were able to find gas along the way and moved at posted speedlimits.  Those who waited until 12 hours prior found the interstates jammed and gas stations without gas (and many left home with near empty fuel tanks).  Needless to say, the people in this second group did not fare well.  Either way, stay away from government run shelters. The government wants you to gather there, but not because it's better for you; rather it's better for them, and we saw during Katrina how well that worked out.

You also can't count on the availability of any bug-out location that is not under your control prior to the disaster.  Counting on a FEMA or national guard facility for either shelter or supplies is wishful thinking.  If they're not occupied and protected when you get to them it's because there's nothing left worth stopping for (and risking you life for in clearing and searching them).

Preparation: Regardless of the nature of the disaster, you should have the following on hand at home...

1) One year of long-shelflife food, and the means to prepare it; also have as much water on hand as possible, and the means to purify more.  I could write several paragraphs on just the latter, but the bottom line is, you can't have too much pottable water on hand.
2) A 72-Hour bug-out bag for each member of the household containing food, water, and basic survival gear. This should include a survival-type radio, to keep tabs on the goings-on in the world, and when it might be safe to return home.  Also included is critical documentation such as passports and birth/wedding certificates, and any medication you need (as much as you can carry, but at least several weeks worth).
3) Weapons (both firearms and melee) that you are familiar with, and ammo for them; I prefer to be able to arm each family member with a long gun and a sidearm.  Keep a bug-out ammo stash with your 72-hour kits, such that you have at least 100 rds for each calibre of weapon you plan on bugging out with.
4) And I can't stress this enough, either have sufficient gasoline on hand to top off your expected bug-out vehicle, or always insure you keep the tank full enough to drive to your bug-out location and back again.

Bug-Out Location: Again, any plan in this regard that counts on good luck (finding a hidden and uncontested FEMA bunker, a ferry or other boat you can seize, or someone else' mountain retreat you hope to find and occupy) is a plan for failure.  If you don't have a place prepared ahead of time, than you are almost always better off staying put.  In your own home, you have some supplies and measure of security.  Being out in the open, with no absolute destination in mind, makes you just another one of the roaming refugees (fastfood for the zombie hoards).  You should also have several evac routes to reach your bugout location, and have practiced the routes in daylight and at night.

Again, I could go on at length (was disaster prep NCO for my unit back in the service long ago), but you get the idea.  There any number of excellent sources of info on meeting and surviving disasters.  At the very minimum, anyone with a very modest investment of time and money can put their 72-hour kit together, and I recommend doing this immediately.
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Offline F22RaptorDude

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Thread
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2012, 11:40:18 AM »
Can I get more detail on how this would go down, meaning is it a bad burger like in zombie land that caused it, or airborne government chemical weapon gone bad like that one movie I saw a while back. Depending on how is spreads and how fast is really going to alter plans
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Thread
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2012, 11:48:36 AM »
Can I get more detail on how this would go down, meaning is it a bad burger like in zombie land that caused it, or airborne government chemical weapon gone bad like that one movie I saw a while back. Depending on how is spreads and how fast is really going to alter plans

Sitting in front of the boob tube too long. :P
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Offline colmbo

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Thread
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2012, 12:07:07 PM »
I'm going to ambush the first 7-ton full of supplies that comes along.   :devil

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Offline F22RaptorDude

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Re: Zombie Apocalypse Thread
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2012, 12:14:22 PM »
Sitting in front of the boob tube too long. :P
:lol Yeah I guess so
Reaper in a T-50-2 Scout tank in 10 seconds flat