As far as games go, Aces High is probably one of (if not THE) best bang-for-the-buck MMOGs out there.
Almost every other single game out there has both a pay-to-play AND a pay-for-content model.
For an RPG, new dungeons = $$$
For a sim like this, you just
get new planes...
Now, HTC goes through a painstaking process to select/research, model/design, and test each new entry. Over the past decade we have ended up with an unparalleled assortment of toys to play with.
But, the wishlist is a massive and hungry beast... for every vehicle HTC adds, 50 requests are added from the insatiable crowd.
I propose a Kickstart (or something similar) page to provide an incentive (as well as what simple amounts to the economic viability of increased model production).
You want to see a new plane? You can wait... or, drop a few bucks on it (and still wait hahaha)
Now, I agree in advance with the misers out there who will absolutely lose their minds over this suggestion... no, people with some extra cash to throw around should not dictate every future addition... there should still be a vote (if HTC is so gracious to continue to field such a thing - again, UNHEARD of in on-line gaming... letting players CHOOSE the next addition... scandalous)
But, on a snowy Saturday morning... when HiTech is sitting in his skivvies, drinking some coffee... what would motivate him to fire up Blender/3DSMAX (or whatever wizardry these gentlemen use)? A big bellybutton tip jar, that's what.
(And yes, I have $100 waiting to drop on the HE-177)