Hi everyone,
I'm currently seeking a squad. Some of the things that are important in a squad to me are as follows:
-good group of people who take the simulator serious but also likes to have fun
-organized squad, and missions
-good leadership
-good structure
-helpful, and easy to talk to squad mates
A little about myself:
-19 years old
-love all WW2 and modern combat planes
-joining the air force (hopefully as combat pilot)
-good people skills
-lives in Palo Alto CA
-Has experience in squads/clans
-understands COC
-likes to learn new things
Here's some stuff about me related to Aces High:
-I've been playing on and off since 2008
-just started to play again and looking to be more serious about the simulator
-I love to fly the P-51 as that's my favorite WW2 fighter
-I'm not an ace or anything, but I do the best I can
-I can bomb accurately
-I know some of the structure/terms of Aces High, I used to know a lot but i forgot...
-I have a mic also
-I'm very versatile
I hope I can be a part of one of you're guy's squads