SPANISH CIVIL WARThe Spanish Civil War was a major conflict in Spain from 1936 to 1939. The war began after a declaration of opposition by a group of right-leaning generals under the leadership of José Sanjurjo against the elected government of the Second Spanish Republic, at the time under the leadership of President Manuel Azaña. We pick up near the end of the war as rebel General Francisco Franco under the Nationalists tries to push out the Republicans.
In an attempt to simulate the state of aircraft, we have included actual aircraft used in the conflict and sub'ed others close in performance for the wide variety of aircraft used during the conflict. For a complete list of aircraft used, please visit the website
Aircraft of the Spanish Civil War.
C-202 (sub He-112)
Storch (sub most single engine light fighters)
Ju-88 (sub various european bombers)
VehiclesLVT's - (sub light tanks)
M-16 (sub various AAA/Anti-Troop vehicles)
Arena Settings - normals for AvA.