Author Topic: Cartoon #91  (Read 2438 times)

Offline shegotya

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Re: Cartoon #91
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2012, 10:06:30 PM »
I'm saying more so than going to Michigan. Birthplace of Wright brothers, Airshow, WPAFB, Air Force Museum, etc. Anyone can party wherever they want but to have TONS of eye candy, tremendous amounts of history, and a tour from past to present on hand while in Dayton seems a bit more "historical" then a 'this happened here on this date' sort of thing. Just my $0.02

I wasn't disputing that ... awesome eye candy.  :aok

I just wanted to clarify why I started it ... not for eye candy but, to meet the people that were in my life so many hours each night for so many years and that was priceless and no eye candy could tear me away from a get together to meet players.

I also hinted for someone on the West Coast to get one going *hint hint*!

Offline betty

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Re: Cartoon #91
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2012, 10:51:43 PM »
actually, after SGY's first gathering, she told me that "next year is my turn to play one" so....i tried to find some place that we could all gather that would be fun and that would provide something we all had in common. I found out that dayton had the airshow along with the airforce museum so i figured it was a perfect spot. it just so happend that shawk lived close by and he offered to have use hang out at his house. so it worked out great! as the gathering got bigger we had to move it though, we just kept it down there because it was something that everyone enjoyed equally. SGY and i also added other things to bring more fun it, HTC provided us with certificates to hand out so we randomly drew names from a hate giving 10 random players 3 months of free AH game play. SWreal and SWhavoc brought so much stuff to give away, HTC one year gave us shirts and mouse pads to give out. as the gathering grew though, we needed more space, the campground provided a much bigger place for what we needed and that worked out great also. it seems that shawk has still kept up that part of the gathering or what is left of it. i see that there isn't much left of it these days. it makes me sad to see that as SGY and i had worked really hard to make it fun and build it up and to see all the new guys and their families that are coming that have not got to see it for what it was at the finest times is sad but oh is what it is....

as far as a michigan gathering...i would love that. i am getting married next year so i dont know if i can throw something together for next summer or not. let me try to find something and i will post. there are more in michigan that you realize. i actually have a squadie in michigan that i need to meet up with also! so let me figure out if i can make some time, even if it is just to get together for a drink or something who knows! sounds like fun and i'm always up to meeting some fellow AH'ers :)

~~~The Killuminati~~~