A proof by contradiction only holds when there is a 'for all' case, consequently providing alternative examples of climatic aberration does not dismiss the human role in the present one. Stop paying attention to the actual temperatures, they are up and down like a fiddler's elbow anyway, this 'noise' is normal.
I know it must give some of you a great sense of relief to read well-written articles which apparently confirm you can just carry on in the lifestyle to which you have become accustomed. However you should know that this kind of denial has now been marginalised into the popular press only and is largely an American movement.
I know this will come as a shock but I'm sorry to tell you there is
no longer any dispute whatsoever in the scientific community that we are experiencing an climatic aberration and it is presently about 90% certain that it is caused directly by mankind's activities since the Industrial Revolution.
And before you try it, no, the scientific community is not a self-serving special interest faction who's opinion can be accepted or rejected in accordance with your cultural values. Think it through.
On a basic common sense level it does rather make sense does it not? This whole phase of human development, the Industrial Revolution, the external and internal combustion engine, mass production, flight, electronics, computers, cyclical consumption, economic growth, world trade, the information age, all of it, has essentially been achieved through the exploitation of fossil fuels, firstly coal and next oil and natural gas. The direct consequence of burning those is the release of large amounts of CO2 (and methane and other things) into the atmosphere that have formerly been
stored safely away beneath the surface of the earth. We already know what Earth's atmosphere is like as you increase the CO2 content because it was this way in the beginning, before life began. It was shocking, believe me.
Let's even go one step further, I'll play complete scientific denier here for you: even if there is NO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCE WHATSOEVER to burning fossil fuels, it doesn't matter anyway, because surely no one disputes, even the most entrenched sceptic, that this is a finite and nonrenewable resource. Thus it is ALL going to run out.
It's rather sad seeing you all grasping at straws and frightened that you'll have to hand in your beloved large displacement V8s for Toyota Prius and the subsequent emasculation your culture associates with that. Frankly I don't know why you are all so panicky. Skuzzy should still have just enough time to finish his gas-guzzling Cobra and enjoy it (if he gets a move on), there will be no loss of freedom, no reduction in lifestyle, necessarily.
Your children will have less opportunity to celebrate the 'high points of your cultural values' in this way and their children will look back on this generation as you do to the steam age, but again, it does not mean they won't have happy and interesting, fruitful, productive, mobile and free lives. Socially the paradigms and values will simply shift in accordance with progress, as it always has done.
The human race is now entering a transitionary phase, do not fight it, embrace it, these are exciting times and life will be better in the future, not worse.
oh and like I say, get a bloody passport and get out more and you won't get culturally left behind so badly.