Thank you for your comments Skuzzy. No worries if they want to vent a little, I am poking at their delicate parts with a sharp stick after all

The fact that you cannot understand that the condescending tone your post was written in was insulting further proves my point.
Yes you're right I tend to get condescending when I see ignorance, stupidity and bias triumph over education, intelligence and insight. I should work on that. Any suggestions?

Nrshida, where are you from sir ?
It's no use Zoney, they won't let you bring firearms into the country where I presently reside and you'll only hurt your fists on my head.

Dreams.... nightmares..... books with horses that have wings and a horn....
Now Shuffler, I thought I forwarded a vision of hope and optimism regarding the future and was suggesting this was a normal stage in your development. You're so sensitive!