If you say golf isn't a sport your very ignorant.....it's more physically demanding then you think.
If you disagree, buy a driver then try to hit the ball 300 yards....your back will give out before you hit it that distance.
Irrelevant. There are two components to what makes an activity a sport. It needs to require athleticism of some type. Golf passes that one, chess does not. And the activity needs to be actively opposed by someone else. I.e. "defense". Golf fails this one, chess passes it. Yes you can lose a golf tournament because someone else has a really good day. But you can't do anything to prevent them from having a really good day, and that's why golf is just a game. An activity that only passes one of the two criteria is a game, not a sport, which means chess, although its is actively opposed by someone else, is not a sport. Many twitch-action computer games are more worthy of being called a sport than golf. Fishing is more worthy as well, because at least the fish has a say in the matter.
I haven't looked at what the dictionary says about "sport", but that's what I would put in the dictionary, if I were writing one.