Wing up with a bomber killer, and you might learn what you are doing wrong.
Change your perception of "I was poring ammo into the wing" to "I was poring ammo out of my guns hoping to hit a wing" and you will be more honest to yourself.
Patience is the key to attacking buffs. It takes me more than 5 minutes to reset for the next pass sometimes. Timing is everything.
I have exactly 50 kills of B17's this month so far and have been shot down 1 time by a B17. I don't think it's because B17's are easy kills.
I would be happy to wing up with you and show you and explain everything as I am attacking.
Currently I'm kickin around squadless so I also have no problem changing sides
to help someone who really wants to improve.
Not trying to thump you r105, I don't realy know you sir