Author Topic: The Aces High BBS Grudge Match!  (Read 13616 times)

Offline Copprhed

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Re: The Aces High BBS Grudge Match!
« Reply #105 on: August 01, 2012, 02:26:38 PM »
Incredibly well put, Vinkman.
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Re: The Aces High BBS Grudge Match!
« Reply #106 on: August 01, 2012, 03:02:36 PM »
To be clear. No I don't think people are put off events because of BBS BS.
I do think the BBS BS is just another avenue of what goes on on 200 and how many are treating each other in game. Like the Muppets vendetta in the Dueling bracket that got Spek's title turned over to Krup, and how many withdrew from future Duelling brackets because of it. And how the Squad dueling league diassapeared because of all the BS the forced many squads to withdraw, and how KOTH suffer because of the Ventrilo BS that became another soap opera.  

There is a change in the culture that no long understands sportsmanship and what it means or why it's important. Too many are wrapped up and invested in the culture of humiliation. Dancing in the end zone, taking your helmet off and running around beating your chest, "Pwn-ing" everyone, trash talking. Winning is defined by humiliating and PWNing your opponent now. It's repugnant.

In a game, the reason for sportsmanship is so no one is fearful of losing, in that way everyone participates. It's for the game's survival. Losing a game isn't supposed be a personal defeat, or character attack expressed through cries of "Epic Fail!" But that's what everyone celebrates now. Now the fun is showcasing the biggest "Epic Fai!" "HAHAHA what a loser", "PWN'D!!"  That's what's matters to a generation of punks. So if you can't do it on the field, or in the skies, or even if you can, by all means do it on 200 and BBS. Just keep going until you've humiliated someone! "...Get him a body bag!...YEAHHHHHHHHH!"

It's bad enough when during the heat of competition these things flare up. But to go out and start it on purpose just to watch it all happen is sick.  :salute

Golf clap..................
Ludere Vincere

Offline grizz441

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Re: The Aces High BBS Grudge Match!
« Reply #107 on: August 01, 2012, 03:06:04 PM »
92 pages away from greatness...

Offline Max

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Re: The Aces High BBS Grudge Match!
« Reply #108 on: August 01, 2012, 03:35:53 PM »
This is....ridiculous.

Hajo, your opinion is jaded by the fact that most of your squad mates sit in front of their computers sitting in wheel chairs or Rascal scooter chairs  :rofl

I know....I'm one of them.  :old:

Offline Ardy123

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Re: The Aces High BBS Grudge Match!
« Reply #109 on: August 01, 2012, 03:42:35 PM »
Let’s get ready to rumble!

It’s time for the main event tonight on the Aces High BBS.   This will be a no holds barred battle royal starring the self-proclaimed poster child…er…kings of Aces High!
They’ll be brawling for the AH Heavyweight BBS Title to be known as “Lords of the Boards”

In the far corner are the veterans of “the Muppets”.  Recently left for dead, they’ve made a comeback on the BBS led by their longtime leader Kappa along with his clone mini-Kappa and their sidekick Fester, better known as the most important player in the game, because he told ya so!  They bring along a number of effective BBS warriors including the bicker brothers Grizz and Sunbat, and the well-known tag team of Flotsom and Jetsom.  Questions remain as to whether the Muppets will actually take part in the match, or turn on each other.

In the corner to their right stand “The Few” with their manager and biggest fan Midway, aka. “you are ignoring this user” .  Best known for their alleged shades posting and the impression that they believe they are far cleverer than the crowd will ever realize, they stand behind their leader and Spitfire driver Bruv119, who can be easily recognized by the large bandages on his ankles.

And in the corner to the left of the Muppets stand the young, up and coming “Top Guns”.  They’ve taken the board by storm in the last few months in an effort to dethrone the more veteran BBS warriors they now share the ring with.  Apparently an offshoot of “The Few”, there is some real bitterness there, and we expect this could lead to a real BBS bloodbath.  A number of the Top Gunners are wearing new names, but retaining the same old tactics. 

Refereeing will be Leviathan, formerly of the Blue Knights who at one point held the title.

Let’s go to ringside!


heya corky!
Yeah, that's right, you just got your rear handed to you by a fuggly puppet!
==Army of Muppets==

Offline bustr

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Re: The Aces High BBS Grudge Match!
« Reply #110 on: August 01, 2012, 03:45:47 PM »
To be clear. No I don't think people are put off events because of BBS BS.
I do think the BBS BS is just another avenue of what goes on on 200 and how many are treating each other in game. Like the Muppets vendetta in the Dueling bracket that got Spek's title turned over to Krup, and how many withdrew from future Duelling brackets because of it. And how the Squad dueling league diassapeared because of all the BS the forced many squads to withdraw, and how KOTH suffer because of the Ventrilo BS that became another soap opera.  

There is a change in the culture that no long understands sportsmanship and what it means or why it's important. Too many are wrapped up and invested in the culture of humiliation. Dancing in the end zone, taking your helmet off and running around beating your chest, "Pwn-ing" everyone, trash talking. Winning is defined by humiliating and PWNing your opponent now. It's repugnant.

In a game, the reason for sportsmanship is so no one is fearful of losing, in that way everyone participates. It's for the game's survival. Losing a game isn't supposed be a personal defeat, or character attack expressed through cries of "Epic Fail!" But that's what everyone celebrates now. Now the fun is showcasing the biggest "Epic Fai!" "HAHAHA what a loser", "PWN'D!!"  That's what's matters to a generation of punks. So if you can't do it on the field, or in the skies, or even if you can, by all means do it on 200 and BBS. Just keep going until you've humiliated someone! "...Get him a body bag!...YEAHHHHHHHHH!"

It's bad enough when during the heat of competition these things flare up. But to go out and start it on purpose just to watch it all happen is sick.  :salute


If you think about it the competitions like KOTH, Deuling Ladder, Squad Deuling and so forth are gentelmen's agreements and not official HTC functions. The only rules that apply are the same minimum that apply in the Main Arena. Other wise the situational rules are whatever each player or group can get away with or force on others. I doubt it's any longer competitions about game skill as much as the skill of playing each other.

The targets of your ire have moved on to a different game than you beleive is being played in AH. Their skill levels are no longer challenged by the game or 95% of it's population. So like the highest levels of Poker, their game is playing the player. The game and this BBS themselves are the avenues by which their succers and adversaries present themselves.

You took the bait.

You are trying to win the equivalent of a 12 on 1 in the MA by yourself. And you don't know the rules of combat in this posting either. This whole thing is a setup and an organised cheat to catch and chew up as many boyscouts as possible. It's a slow time in the game and on this BBS.

Don't make the mistake of corrilating this game to real life. These dorks probably have to eat the same amount of excriment and kiss tushies they hate like you do in real life to keep a roof over their heads. You never know. This is probably the best thing they could be doing and a positive community service to deal with their frustrations. Some just abuse thier girlfrends, wives, children and dogs instead. How you act anonymously is a pretty good peek at the monster you carry around all the time in real life.

Vink just stay out of it. The monsters are hungry and trolling for players who don't know this game.

bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline ALFAMEGA51

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Re: The Aces High BBS Grudge Match!
« Reply #111 on: August 01, 2012, 03:58:09 PM »
Hajo, your opinion is jaded by the fact that most of your squad mates sit in front of their computers sitting in wheel chairs or Rascal scooter chairs  :rofl

I know....I'm one of them.  :old:
Ahhahah to good! to good!  :rofl
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Offline tunnelrat

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Re: The Aces High BBS Grudge Match!
« Reply #112 on: August 01, 2012, 04:02:51 PM »
In-Game: 80hd
The Spartans do not enquire how many the enemy are but where they are.

Offline zack1234

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Re: The Aces High BBS Grudge Match!
« Reply #113 on: August 01, 2012, 04:09:38 PM »
If anyone writes more then 6 long paragraphs in this nonsense thread you need your head oiling :rofl

This thread gibberish and funny,if it was on a serious topic I would keep well clear :)

For goodness sake chill out its cartoon planes and stupid idiots who are either drunk,young or in a bad mood wasting time :)

I am the most stupid member of this cartoon community :rofl

I agree with Vinkman then again i dont :rofl

I thank you all from the bottom of my fart :rofl
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Offline Canspec

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Re: The Aces High BBS Grudge Match!
« Reply #114 on: August 01, 2012, 05:05:12 PM »
sniff...sniff.......have you been into the beans again..... :uhoh....... :old:
Der Wander Zirkus
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Re: The Aces High BBS Grudge Match!
« Reply #115 on: August 01, 2012, 05:07:21 PM »
Wheres the deer with the popcorn Redbull....... :old:
Der Wander Zirkus
Kommando Nowotny for FSO

Offline danny76

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Re: The Aces High BBS Grudge Match!
« Reply #116 on: August 01, 2012, 05:10:07 PM »
This x10 :old:
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Re: The Aces High BBS Grudge Match!
« Reply #117 on: August 01, 2012, 05:17:44 PM »
To be clear. No I don't think people are put off events because of BBS BS.
I do think the BBS BS is just another avenue of what goes on on 200 and how many are treating each other in game. Like the Muppets vendetta in the Dueling bracket that got Spek's title turned over to Krup, and how many withdrew from future Duelling brackets because of it. And how the Squad dueling league diassapeared because of all the BS the forced many squads to withdraw, and how KOTH suffer because of the Ventrilo BS that became another soap opera.  

There is a change in the culture that no long understands sportsmanship and what it means or why it's important. Too many are wrapped up and invested in the culture of humiliation. Dancing in the end zone, taking your helmet off and running around beating your chest, "Pwn-ing" everyone, trash talking. Winning is defined by humiliating and PWNing your opponent now. It's repugnant.

In a game, the reason for sportsmanship is so no one is fearful of losing, in that way everyone participates. It's for the game's survival. Losing a game isn't supposed be a personal defeat, or character attack expressed through cries of "Epic Fail!" But that's what everyone celebrates now. Now the fun is showcasing the biggest "Epic Fai!" "HAHAHA what a loser", "PWN'D!!"  That's what's matters to a generation of punks. So if you can't do it on the field, or in the skies, or even if you can, by all means do it on 200 and BBS. Just keep going until you've humiliated someone! "...Get him a body bag!...YEAHHHHHHHHH!"

It's bad enough when during the heat of competition these things flare up. But to go out and start it on purpose just to watch it all happen is sick.  :salute

you ever see me do any of those things?

the only time you will ever see me get into it with someone is if they start with me.

now I am not perfect and I am sure I must have called someone out on his lame game play first at some point...but honestly have you seen me act the way you describe?

Offline danny76

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Re: The Aces High BBS Grudge Match!
« Reply #118 on: August 01, 2012, 05:21:19 PM »
you ever see me do any of those things?

the only time you will ever see me get into it with someone is if they start with me.

now I am not perfect and I am sure I must have called someone out on his lame game play first at some point...but honestly have you seen me act the way you describe?

Honestly didn't think that was aimed your way Ink. I think it was a genetalisation. One I heartily agree with
"You kill 'em all, I'll eat the BATCO!"

"Not within a thousand years will man ever fly" - Wilbur Wright

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Re: The Aces High BBS Grudge Match!
« Reply #119 on: August 01, 2012, 05:25:23 PM »
Honestly didn't think that was aimed your way Ink. I think it was a genetalisation. One I heartily agree with

that may be true... :headscratch: