i noticed in your post (i missed it last night, didn't read your words fully and didn't make a mental connect to what you were saying) that you actually do live with your mom.
when i made a joke about living in your moms basement i did not know that you did in reality live with your mom.
my comment would have been funny if it had been directed to someone not in reality living with their mom, to you in your situation it was out of line. i apologize whole heartedly for my rude and out of bounds comment.
there is never to be found dishonor in the act of sacrificing your personal freedoms to live life on your own when the sacrifice is made on behalf of bettering or ensuring the happiness of the lives of loved ones.
for what you do for family
now, on to the next issue.......
There is no rank over there.
Of course, maybe you think you have clink cred now.
hey ass.....i my entire squad was asked by SkyRock to let you talk your trash and turn the other cheek so that i would not risk being banned over what would turn out to be my epically hunting harassing and generally mistreatment of you......
the fact that he asked proves to me he is Skyrock, cause if this was a troll....even by my squaddies.....they would most certainly get a laugh at any and all fall out created by their rouse. yes even getting a squadmate Skuzzy squelched for a week or two would be a funny side effect that all of us would laugh about after the return of who ever got booted. my point is that Muppet's tend to be far more evil and brutal to each other in jest than we ever are to any who are outsiders to us, so if this was a troll NOBODY would ask me to forget about you and that i leave it to Skuzzy to cure your issues....
SkyRock asked on your behalf that you be left alone.........he asked our squad personally, so i will concede to his wishes on the matter.....
ASSI, may you soon return to having fun in the game and once again learn to forget the troubles of life outside of it for at least a few hours at a time.