Author Topic: Hello fellow AHers  (Read 29370 times)

Offline Skilless

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Re: Hello fellow AHers
« Reply #375 on: August 04, 2012, 04:57:32 PM »
Ahhh, the kid who screams, "I need help"....please, try to run your opinion up the flag pole of public opinion and then ask for help.  That says sooo much for your belief in your position.

What the hell are you going on about?  You don't make any sense.

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Re: Hello fellow AHers
« Reply #376 on: August 04, 2012, 04:59:02 PM »
Bronk, I don't know the Iceman story.  Apparently I missed that one so I don't know what happened to him.   I know how Voss was 'dealt with' by the community.  While he may be here in shades or not, he sure got run out on a rail, but that was because he was taking things from people who took him at his word.

Ironically it was Fester who led the charge on Voss as he's quick to point out with his Voss Conspiracy thread.  Fester recently informed us that when he fed us all a sob story about his broken marriage and lost job, it was just a joke and his way of getting out of a role of responsibility he'd accepted in a scenario.  As one of those who felt the meltdowns over and over, and took him at his word and wished him well, that one is hard to forgive as it would have been just as easy to say, "I can't do it".  He's still around.

Our old claimed to be an F-18 driver is still here and seems to be accepted by the crowd.

I'm sure there are other examples.

In terms of Skyrock.  As I've said, I never had time for the in game persona.  I thought it was a lousy way to go about things and he knew that.  At no point did I nor do I connect that to the choices he made outside of AH.

I don't remember him 'lying' about his addictions.

Was I angry when all this went down?  Absolutely, probably more angry then you.  My reasons were probably different.  I'd lost two kids through no fault of my own, and this guy chooses to lose his? Did he have any clue of what he gave up? I thought hard about what I wanted to do, and never did it come down to bashing him in this silly game.  The game doesn't matter.  How people treat each other does.  He blew it big time as a Dad and that is the most important thing to me.

So I wrote him in prison.  I don't think I held anything back in telling him exactly how I felt about it.  I know there were a number of folks who did this.  I believe Silat for one did a much better job of staying in contact then myself.  Sounds like others did too.  And understand, I don't know Mark well, and would be hard pressed to call him a friend for that reason.  But I have this thing about parents doing their job, and he needs to do his right.

You have a choice.  And all I could see was those two little kids in the pictures that were posted by Grizz I think.  their parents, for better or worse are the only ones they've got.  For their sake, getting Mark to get his act together, in whatever little way we can seems far more important then ripping him for whatever it is folks perceive he needs to be ripped for.  I can't imagine anything we could say would feel worse then him knowing he gave up that time with his little ones.  He can't get it back.  If he doesn't understand that, then there is no hope.

I choose to believe that he may have figured that out.  When he replied to my letter, I got no excuses, just acknowledgement of how much he'd screwed up and betrayed his kids trust.  His goal seemed to be getting that back.  

Helping someone is always a risk, as there is always a chance you can get burned.  But I'd rather take the chance in hopes of helping, then not, and having someone fail.

Don't mistake that is me thinking we can make a huge difference, but I do believe knowing folks are willing to support you after you've made the dumbest decisions of your life, has to help a little.

We have nothing to lose by trying.  And if as he says, he's made a change and parenting those two little ones is the most important thing, then everyone wins, in particular those little ones.


Offline RedBull1

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Re: Hello fellow AHers
« Reply #377 on: August 04, 2012, 04:59:31 PM »
You sure?  :)

Nah, you are harmless.  Lousy at registering for the scenario <hint hint> but harmless :)
Huh? What did I forget to do now? ...Damnit just give me a link and tell me where to click  :bhead  :lol
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Re: Hello fellow AHers
« Reply #379 on: August 04, 2012, 05:02:06 PM »
Bronk, I don't know the Iceman story.  Apparently I missed that one so I don't know what happened to him.   I know how Voss was 'dealt with' by the community.  While he may be here in shades or not, he sure got run out on a rail, but that was because he was taking things from people who took him at his word.

Ironically it was Fester who led the charge on Voss as he's quick to point out with his Voss Conspiracy thread.  Fester recently informed us that when he fed us all a sob story about his broken marriage and lost job, it was just a joke and his way of getting out of a role of responsibility he'd accepted in a scenario.  As one of those who felt the meltdowns over and over, and took him at his word and wished him well, that one is hard to forgive as it would have been just as easy to say, "I can't do it".  He's still around.

Our old claimed to be an F-18 driver is still here and seems to be accepted by the crowd.

I'm sure there are other examples.

In terms of Skyrock.  As I've said, I never had time for the in game persona.  I thought it was a lousy way to go about things and he knew that.  At no point did I nor do I connect that to the choices he made outside of AH.

I don't remember him 'lying' about his addictions.

Was I angry when all this went down?  Absolutely, probably more angry then you.  My reasons were probably different.  I'd lost two kids through no fault of my own, and this guy chooses to lose his? Did he have any clue of what he gave up? I thought hard about what I wanted to do, and never did it come down to bashing him in this silly game.  The game doesn't matter.  How people treat each other does.  He blew it big time as a Dad and that is the most important thing to me.

So I wrote him in prison.  I don't think I held anything back in telling him exactly how I felt about it.  I know there were a number of folks who did this.  I believe Silat for one did a much better job of staying in contact then myself.  Sounds like others did too.  And understand, I don't know Mark well, and would be hard pressed to call him a friend for that reason.  But I have this thing about parents doing their job, and he needs to do his right.

You have a choice.  And all I could see was those two little kids in the pictures that were posted by Grizz I think.  their parents, for better or worse are the only ones they've got.  For their sake, getting Mark to get his act together, in whatever little way we can seems far more important then ripping him for whatever it is folks perceive he needs to be ripped for.  I can't imagine anything we could say would feel worse then him knowing he gave up that time with his little ones.  He can't get it back.  If he doesn't understand that, then there is no hope.

I choose to believe that he may have figured that out.  When he replied to my letter, I got no excuses, just acknowledgement of how much he'd screwed up and betrayed his kids trust.  His goal seemed to be getting that back.  

Helping someone is always a risk, as there is always a chance you can get burned.  But I'd rather take the chance in hopes of helping, then not, and having someone fail.

Don't mistake that is me thinking we can make a huge difference, but I do believe knowing folks are willing to support you after you've made the dumbest decisions of your life, has to help a little.

We have nothing to lose by trying.  And if as he says, he's made a change and parenting those two little ones is the most important thing, then everyone wins, in particular those little ones.

Dan I havent said for anyone else to shun him, to not have pity on him or not forgive him . It is not my place to do so. It is also not anyone elses place to tell me how I feel about it.

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Offline Guppy35

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Re: Hello fellow AHers
« Reply #380 on: August 04, 2012, 05:04:33 PM »
Dan I havent said for anyone else to shun him, to not have pity on him or not forgive him . It is not my place to do so. It is also not anyone elses place to tell me how I feel about it.

I have not problem with that other then it seems more like a vendetta.  The avatar and sig line have been there a while.  That makes it seem personal.  I'm not suggesting you are wrong in your feelings.  They're yours after all.  I sure can't tell you how to feel.

8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Bronk

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Re: Hello fellow AHers
« Reply #381 on: August 04, 2012, 05:08:29 PM »
I have not problem with that other then it seems more like a vendetta.  The avatar and sig line have been there a while.  That makes it seem personal.  I'm not suggesting you are wrong in your feelings.  They're yours after all.  I sure can't tell you how to feel.

You know for the longest time I had sig that was about krusty on math... much longer than I have had this.... was that a vendetta? It is what it is , pointing out the hypocrisy of it all.
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Offline Bronk

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Re: Hello fellow AHers
« Reply #382 on: August 04, 2012, 05:12:57 PM »
Iceman story for those that dont know..,194541.0.html
ran into the shade over a story... and yet?
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Offline Midway

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Re: Hello fellow AHers
« Reply #383 on: August 04, 2012, 05:13:27 PM »
Speaking for myself, I could not give one rat's behind about what sort of chemicals Mark was cooking in his garage.  The problem that I have, which has not been addressed, that must be addressed, is the way he lied to this community and to his RL community with his smug sense of self-importance and aire of personal superiority; his in-your-face "I'm better than you" attitude...  As soon as Mark acknowledges this I'll drop it.

Well, maybe he didn't lie as much as you think.  Maybe he does have a justifiable sense of self-importance, maybe he does carry rightfully an air of personal superiority (given what he's posted so far vs some, like Assi) since he is having to man up to pay his penalty when others do the same thing (and worse) and aren't caught yet.  Maybe his in-your-face "I'm better than you" attitude does have a little bit of merit with respect to some and maybe it was mostly him being a somewhat silly character in a video game -- where his skills likely exceed many.

There may be more truth hidden than can be seen.  Like I said, I'm impressed with what he says and I liked his youtube video too.  Seems like a sharp, fun guy, who with the help of another person got pulled in the wrong direction.  Happens to many people, even good smart people.

People are not perfect, mistakes are made, choose friends, spouses, and partners carefully. :old:

<steps down off soapbox>


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Re: Hello fellow AHers
« Reply #384 on: August 04, 2012, 05:13:39 PM »
They pick and choose what hypocrisy to jump on.
speaking of jumping on things, how's marks ankle feel?
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Offline Guppy35

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Re: Hello fellow AHers
« Reply #385 on: August 04, 2012, 05:14:11 PM »
You know for the longest time I had sig that was about krusty on math... much longer than I have had this.... was that a vendetta? It is what it is , pointing out the hypocrisy of it all.

Would you not agree that the Krusty comment had something to do with AH while the Skyrock comment does not?    The Krusty comment was just silliness.  The Skyrock comment seems much more personal.  Again it's your deal Bronk.  It just doesn't seem like the Bronk I've dealt with in the arenas which makes me wonder what's behind it, as it's much more angry.
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Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Hello fellow AHers
« Reply #386 on: August 04, 2012, 05:14:36 PM »
What's FW?
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline Midway

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Re: Hello fellow AHers
« Reply #387 on: August 04, 2012, 05:18:06 PM »
I'd just like to point out whatever this "Iceman" story thing is has nothing to do with me "1CEMAN"  :O

 :huh  Uh huh.

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Offline Grits

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Re: Hello fellow AHers
« Reply #388 on: August 04, 2012, 05:19:25 PM »
Havent posted here in years, but since I am also on FW I thought I'd add my $.02.

Sky Rock aka Cry Rock, was one of many loud mouths in AH. I have no idea if he is or is not still incarcerated, either way, I hope he is more focused on getting his life together than what people on AH or FW think about him.

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Hello fellow AHers
« Reply #389 on: August 04, 2012, 05:20:39 PM »
Iceman story for those that dont know..,194541.0.html
ran into the shade over a story... and yet?

Not making the connection to what Skyrock did outside of AH.  I don't recall him using it to impress anyone.  In terms of being run out on a rail, it appears Iceman24 left of his own accord.  I do remember it now, and a lot of folks had his back right up til the point it was proven to be a lie.
8th FS "Headhunters