If it got hot enough to come close to stalling, the heads are certainly warped, and probably cracked. Take them and have them magnafluxed for cracks, if they're not cracked, have them milled (as little as possible to get them within 0.002" of perfectly flat), and at least have new valve stem seals put on, as they'll likely be ruined due to heat. Check the block closely for cracks. Be aware that getting it so hot it nearly quit has probably taken the tension out of the rings, so it will probably use a little oil, and be low on power.
Oh, yeah, take the radiator out and have it checked closely, excessive heat and pressure often crack the tanks.
If you're really going to fix it, you might consider a water pump and a thermostat as well.
That thing is probably not worth spending $250 on, unless it is in pristine condition, with low miles, and they love it. That's a job I would require the entire balance up front for if I were doing it, because it isn't worth what it will cost to fix it.